Sunday, 31 May 2015

Me and Mine {May}

So we're still here... The four of us, and with four days until due date we're counting down...
"How many more sleeps til the baby comes, Mama?"
"When is our baby going to come out?"
Little faces pressed against bump... "It's time to come out now little baby! We want to see you!"

I think it's fair to say we're all starting to get impatient. Of course, we could still have another two weeks of waiting...

I really hope not!

So I put off taking my "Me and Mine" photo this month in the hope that a photo in the garden with the four of us might not be necessary, that instead I might have a picture of the four of us, crowded around a fifth in a hospital ward... But it would seem our little one is just too comfy to play ball, and so another month we must wait!

In the meantime, we are making the most of these last easy-going, laid-back, sunshine days before the world revolves, once again, around a three hourly routine. It's so different preparing yourself for a third time... The girls have shown me each baby is different, they have their different quirks and personalities, but the seeming endlessness of those early weeks is given the perspective of experience.  The intensity of the initial weeks will not last forever... It is a season... To be enjoyed, savoured and cherished.

So we await, every day, the realisation that things are finally kicking off, and we can welcome our fifth little member into our little family. 

Me and Mine in May.

Bring on June!


  1. Fin familie, de er fantastiske! God søndag til dykk alle.😀

  2. What lovely photographs! You all look so happy :) x

  3. Evie has been very different from Samuel in regards to eating/ sleeping/ amount of crying. It is a good reminder that each child is unique and has different needs and it keeps life interesting to face new challenges....

  4. Aww I remember holding on and holding on last August - I nearly took a photo of the four of us just as a back up and to tempt Pip out, but he came in his own time, and just in time for the pictures. I find though that I really treasure my July pictures as the last picture of us as a four, it's a very special time to be in that transition. And for what it's worth, Pip arrived very shortly after Kitty bellowed "Come ON Baby Pinky" at my bump so you never know, it could be worth trying!

  5. So exciting Claire! Come on baby, the blog world can't wait to meet you haha! Enjoy these last few moments of quiet and relaxation before the newborn wonder comes. Mr E and I were just saying last night about if we had a no 3 how our relaxing nights in front of the sofa when the girls go to bed would be a thing of the past again. (We were more just talking about the fact that it's pretty easy now in the evenings with them!) But it's all 100% worth it. Yay for newborn intenseness and love! xx

  6. Aww what lovely photos!! I bet it must be so exciting to think that next month's photo will be of a family of five! I can't wait to see it :) hope everything goes smoothly xx

  7. Love your photos, good luck for June. I hope it all goes well. I feel like we survived the first weeks of our Little Lady's arrival and I can't really remember them now lol

  8. Great family pics that show you having so much fun together!

  9. Aww lovely shots and exciting not long to go now! Love the way you describe the early days, they are seemingly endless at the time but actually quite short in reality! Good luck and hope she doesn't keep you waiting too long! xx

  10. Oh how exciting! I love how your little girl is looking down at your bump, come on baby lets meet you. Looking forward to next months picture with your new little one.

  11. Lovely photos!! wahoo for almost being there! those last few weeks feel so long but try to embrace all that time with your littles, and try to get some rest xxx

  12. Wow Claire you look amazing for so little time left. It's amazing even how you're sat. Next month there will be another little person. I'm so excited to see your lovely newborn xxx enjoy the rest as you eagerly await your little bundle. God's timing is perfect xxx

  13. Fab photos, Claire. It's amazing to think that your next photo is going to be so, so different. Hope you're still smiling. I remember the last few days being pretty tough :) xx

  14. Such a lovely family photo, how exciting that your next #meandmine will have the new addition! Can't wait to see that (all these new babies are making me broody) x

  15. Love little H looking at the bump in the last one! xx

  16. Isn't it funny how we always HOPE that our babies will come early, no matter how many of them we've already had! I bet you're really fed up and impatient now. Not long to go! x x

  17. This is the 1st time I've stopped by your blog, so hello from a new follower *waves* :) Your pictures are so lovely, the second one especially. Good luck with the new arrival xx


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