Thursday 27 September 2012

Happy Birthday hub!

Yesterday was my wonderful hubby's birthday... he left the house at seven, worked all day and then had to go out to a meeting in the evening... but he never complained (I would have had something to say if that was my birthday!!) We did, however, have time for a yum family meal at Mum and Dad's (Fajitas) and enjoyed the birthday cake - Ava also wanted a go at blowing out the candles!! Of course, we had then some time for little pressies and Ava enjoyed showing off her artwork!

He is fab. And Ava and I love him very much. Happy **th birthday David!

Helping Papa unwrap his presents
All smiles!

One of Dave's presents was a book of vouchers to be used on all sorts of occasions... my husband loves
to talk (as anyone who knows him will know) and will often try and launch into some discussion late at night when my brain has switched off... hence this voucher!
I may regret this one!! Ava's voucher was "unlimited cuddles with Ava Margrete"... she will happily oblige!

1 comment:

  1. Auch auf diesem Wege: Happy Birthday Dave!
    Sieht aus als hättet ihr einen tollen Tag gehabt, trotz aller Arbeit.
    Die Idee mit den Gutscheinen ist wirklich gut. Die werd ich mir merken!

    LG Catrin


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