There's something lovely about the scent of Christmas, isn't there? Yesterday evening, my hub brought home our Christmas tree and its perfect. It ticks every box I wanted it to (see here for my long checklist this year!) and for the first time, I haven't taken a pair of garden shears to it! Last night, after Ava went to bed, we put it up and decorated it. I can't wait to see that cute little chubby face grin with glee when she sees all those sparkly lights! And the smell... there is just something incredible that takes you right back to that childhood excitement when you walk into a room with a live Christmas tree in it.
But fir branches aren't the only scents I associate with Christmas - cloves in orange pomanders, cranberry and cinnamon are all high up there, and that's what led me to this SERIOUSLY quick and easy craft for today...
Cinnamon sticks are easy to get hold of, easy to work with and smell INCREDIBLE...
Time taken: About 5 minutes...
You Need:
A pack of cinnamon sticks (either from your Supermarket or craft shop)
Some thin Christmassy ribbon
A dab of liquid glue
Some string (optional)
Step One:
Gather three cinammon sticks together and lay two on the bottom, and one centrally on the top. Dab a bit of glue on the inside (so it remains unseen) to secure the sticks. The ribbon should hold them together, but better to be safe than sorry!
Step Two:
Wrap a bit of ribbon tight around your three cinnamon sticks and tie tightly in a knot. Once you are sure it is tight and secure, tie the remaining ribbon into a bow on the top. You can then either attach a piece of string to make a lovely, scented Christmas tree decoration, or you can simply pile them up - perhaps amongst some dried oranges, apples or star of anis, to create your own gorgeous Christmas pot pourri.
DEAD easy. Seriously!
Happy weekend everyone! Hope its not TOO full of hectic Christmas shopping!
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