Wednesday 9 January 2013

Ava's new room: a new project!

Haha! If only... No, this is not Ava's new room... its one of the pictures I love on Pinterest, but I'm not sure I'm quite up to that standard of beautifying a room!

Everyone loves a good old-fashioned room reveal... I'm utterly in awe of those bloggers who seem to have some constant home improvement project on the go and always have 2 big questions...

1) Where do they get the money for these constant projects?
2) Where do they get the time?

I LOVE to have projects like that on the go... but unfortunately we do not have a never-ending bucket of money, nor do we have a house big enough for there to be constant rooms to improve, nor do I have the time, or energy, at present to do such a thing.

And I'm kinda glad about that, because it means when we do need to do some "home improving"/re-decorating, I'm raring to go because its a bit of a novelty.

Ava's moving.

No, I'm not packing my 16-month-old off to the wide world. She is moving a grand total of about 2 metres down the hall from the little bedroom to the guest room...

And I'm SOOOOO excited!

The last room we did up was when I attacked our bathroom while Dave was in Germany last April (you can check that adventure out here...)

Again, we're not going to splash any major cash, and we (thankfully) don't need to redecorate. The room was re-plastered and decorated when we moved into the house (2 1/2 years ago) and its a neutral cream and pretty green, so girl-friendly...

Here's some pics of how it looks now - the before shots... (apologies for the pictures... the light wasn't so good and I took them in the evening - never a good plan)

This bed has been the most amazing blessing. We borrowed it from friends of ours and will be sad to see it go! Isn't it pretty? And its SO incredibly comfy...
I love our little wardrobe in the corner - its a converted larder cupboard that I picked up in an antique shop - just the right size for a little girl...
I love this room. It is simple, and plain and clear of clutter. We will be sad to say goodbye to our guest room, but I'm so excited to transform it into a little girls haven. 
With the exception of the bed, the furniture in the room is pretty much staying put...
So, over the next couple of weeks, I'll be revealing our attack on this room - bit by bit - until the transformation is complete. We want to have Ava moved in at least a month before Baby arrives, so she has time to adjust to her new environment.

Only 8 weeks to go, and counting...

Watch this space!

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