Sunday 5 May 2013

The countdown begins...

Well, today its officially only one week until the voting for this years Brilliance in Blogging Awards, run by Britmums, closes.

Being shortlisted for this award has opened my eyes up to the big wide world of blogging, and its been an exciting, if also slightly overwhelming, discovery. This past couple of weeks, I have got to "know" some other bloggers, have had to start thinking about how I respond to those who are suddenly approaching me interested in reviews, advertising etc, and have been invited to blogging conferences and events (that I didn't even know existed!)... it's all been a bit mad.

I suppose in some ways, I have been happily blogging away in my little corner of the blogosphere, unaware of the big wide blogging community, and so I just wanted to thank all of you, my loyal readers, and my new blogging friends, who have supported me with your comments and words of encouragement while I was a little blogging nobody.

I am NOT expecting to go any further in these awards... I'm up against some seriously inspiring bloggers who are absolutely amazing, and totally deserve this award in every way... but I just wanted to say to you all, that whatever happens, I don't intend to change the way I blog.

This blog is a record of my life, and that of my little family. I love to write about what we're up to, and if suitable companies approach and want me to review something, I am happy to do that, but the essence of this blog will not change. On this blog, I talk quite openly about my relationship with Jesus and my day by day walk as a Christian. Whatever awards/nominations or shortlistings come my way, I am determined that that aspect of my blog will not be compromised.

Jesus is absolutely central in my life, and so he will pop up quite regularly here!

Thank you for all of your support over the past year and a half since I've been blogging regularly! If you would like to vote for me in the Awards, you are of course welcome to! Just fill in your name and scroll down to category number 5 (Inspire) and tick the box by Clarina's Contemplations. Please only vote if you actually want to, though!!


Lots of love, Cx

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