Wednesday 22 May 2013

What I've learnt this week...

That it is possible to eat yoghurt with a fork
That there is always someone whose situation is worse than yours
That I have watched 74 of the “501 Must-See Films” (not all this week!)
That NHS tea-bags are ridiculously weak.
That a mother’s instincts can be trusted
That the NHS staff are some of the most dedicated, caring professionals I have ever met.
That even tiny babies are little fighters.
That seeing your children hurt hurts a hundred times worse than hurting yourself
That suffering people band together for encouragement.
That “pyrexial” means you have a temperature.
That the body seems to hold an endless supply of tears.
That God has blessed me with an incredible circle of friends and church family.
That my immediate family are the most sacrificial and supportive family I could ask for.
That Ava has the power to charm a room full of nurses.
That God provides you with strength to bear whatever it is you need to.
That hospital food is actually pretty good.
That even in the darkest moments, God gives comfort like no-one else can.
That three nurses talking in my room will not wake me up, but one snuffle from my baby will.
That hospital showers are cold in the afternoon.
That my husband has an incredible capacity to give and be strong.
That hospital fold-out beds are not bad for comfort.
That there is nothing a sick baby wants more than to be cuddled.
That prayer works.

That God is faithful, trustworthy, sovereign and good. I can wholeheartedly entrust even the things I hold dearest to his care.

So glad to have my little family together again!


  1. So schön, dass ihr wieder alle gesund Zuhause seid!

    Und von deiner Liste finde ich Punkt 1 am ALLER WICHTIGSTEN ;-)...was würdest du ohne diese Erkenntnis tun??

    xxx Catrin


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