Monday, 12 August 2013

#GetGoodSummer Linky Party: Week 6

Welcome back to #GetGoodSummer! Week 6 done and dusted… 2/3 of the way through! Eeek… but still 3 weeks to tackle those summer goals and work on those bucket lists.

We have spent the last 2 and a half weeks in Norway, and my aim, while we were here, was to tackle my first goal and do at least half an hour exercise a day!

Well, I’m glad to say I’ve done it! Phew… but not without some serious help and encouragement from Dave and my mother-in-law Magni. Dave has taken on the babysitting responsibilities every day, freeing me up to enter the icey fjord waters, and Magni, and more recently my sister-in-law Jo, have been my allies in swimming out with me. At times I’ve needed a little encouragement, and I can honestly say I would not have done it without them! There were three days out of the 17 days we have been here, that I have not gone swimming… a girls entitled to a bit of rest, right?!

My aim to read through the first few books of the Bible is also well underway, and I’ve just finished up Genesis. Now I’m heading into the book of Exodus, but I have to admit, I’m not convinced I’ll get all the way to the end of Leviticus by September 1st. We’ll see… I’m not beaten yet! It’s been fabulous to read through the familiar territory of Genesis again. Such familiar stories, and yet I see new nuggets of golden truth every time I read it. God is faithful. He keeps his promises. He doesn’t give up on us, even when we doubt, ignore and disobey. His covenant stands. What an amazing message!

Tomorrow we head back to our homeland… a long old journey, but looking forward to tackling some more goals upon my return! I’ve been a little on the quiet side, enjoying time with family and friends, but I’ll be back with a vengeance soon enough!

So how are you getting on with your #GetGoodSummer? Link up your progress in the linky party below and pop over to some other blogs to leave a comment or two. Your comments have been so encouraging and have spurred me on to keep going when I’ve felt like giving up. Lynne, over at Sentwivlove, summed it up for me when she said she was so conscious she was going to have a rubbish blog post to write with no progress made, that she went out and got into action on her goals. This linky does work, and I’m so glad it’s helped all of us to get some focus this summer and achieve. Thank you to all of you who are linking up! I love reading all that you’re getting up to!

If you aren’t a blogger, just post your progress in the comments section and check back later… I try to reply to all the comments made!

Much love, and #GetGoodSummer

Claire x


  1. Well done you with all that exercise, we have a lake on site here and I was up for some swimming and then found out about the eels and now I'm being a woss! I am walking every day though and really enjoying it. I also love Genesis, I could read that chapter again and again but I know I should read some of the ones I fine more challenging. Have a great week when home. Mich x

    1. Lol. I get your fear! After a week of swimming to the jetty, Dave's cousin told me there was a crab net right under it, and they'd managed to catch a jellyfish! Have to admit it did freak me out a little bit!

  2. Wow that is a lot of swimming! You are doing really well.
    Good luck with your goals.
    Thanks for linking with Motivational Monday

    1. Thanks... Not quite sure what I'm gong to do ths week, without my daily fjord swim!

  3. Well done, everyone! It's great to read what other people are up to and to find that I'm not the only one struggling to meet all of my goals :)
    In terms of paint stripping, I've finally reached the bottom of our bannisters! Just have to do all the fiddly spindles now... I also found a great recipe last week for chocolate slices. It was really quick and easy to do so will def be repeating it. My main target for this week is to start on the decluttering. I'm slightly dreading this but need to get started sooner rather than later! Have a great week, Rachel xx

    1. Sounds great, Rachel... You might just need to share your chocolate slices recipe!x


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