Friday 13 December 2013

The Christmas Rush...

Why is it that however far in advance you prepare, however organised you are, that feeling of Christmas panic sets in midway through December every year? I have a to-do list as long as my right arm at the moment...

This week has been crazy busy... And the weekend looks to be no different... Tutoring, selling at craft fairs, leading worship at church, carol concert choir practice, writing all my Christmas cards, finishing up my Christmas baking... Hmmm. I  thrive on action and busyness, but even I must admit Monday's looking quite appealing right now.

So here's my plan on Monday (once I've been to a local nursery to perform the St Lucia tradition with a couple of friends for the children... Don't ask!) I'm going to sit down in a nice comfy chair and stare at our lovely Christmas tree with a cup of tea in hand and a pile of books to work through with the girls and have a nice chat with my mother-in-law who's over from Norway.

Yes, I have finally relented and we have bought a fake tree *sob* but actually, apart from the fact that I'm seriously missing that gorgeous Christmas tree smell, I'm pretty chuffed with it.


Don't you just love pretty lights???


We had great fun decorating when the tree was delivered on Wednesday. Ava is loving the whole Christmas thing. Yesterday evening we popped out to the shops and she turned to me and said,

"Ich mag den Weihnachtsmann" (I like Father Christmas)
She paused, and then continued...
"Er ist so niedlich!" (He is so sweet!)

I had to choke back a guffaw (is that even a word) as she sauntered on! 


Her third Christmas and she's loving it!

Her little sister, on the other hand, is totally oblivious, although is seriously impressed by the Christmas tree... Every time she sees it she says "Wow!" a few hundred times on repeat!

So that's where we're at... Manically busy, but finding reason to have a little chuckle here and there.

Good reason to be thankful, methinks.

Happy weekend everyone!


  1. We seem to be living double lives this week! The post I linked up to #savouringtheseason is very similar! Enjoy not Endure....remember it :)

  2. I've been planning for Christmas since July and STILL not got a tree up. Your tree looks lovely btw.


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