Friday 21 February 2014

It's that time again!

I popped onto the MAD Awards blog earlier and was thrilled to see my little blog has been nominated for "Best Baby Blog" and "Best Family Fun"... thank you so much to whoever nominated me! This blog is very much for my girls, and for my own sanity as well, and ultimately, I hope, to reflect what it means to live as a follower of Jesus... but it is lovely to know it is appreciated by others too. I had no idea when I started it, back in 2007, that I would still be writing it 7 years later. Its been a labour of love, but I honestly am so glad to have this record of our family over the past few years.

I realise that if you aren't a blogger, you will have no idea what the MADs are, or what they mean, and so here I am, putting it on your radar.

If you like this little blog, and would like to support me, feel free to vote!

MAD Blog Awards

And if you do decide to nominate... here are some of my favourites...

Dreaming of the Country
Space for the Butterflies
Capture by Lucy
Let Kids be Kids
Catch a Single Thought
The Imagination Tree



I love reading your comments! Thanks for stopping by!