Thursday 11 February 2016

Blue Skies and Windstorms // #savouringtheseason

On Sunday night, as I was heading to bed, I checked in on the children briefly, as I usually do. Jonas' breathing was measured, his room quiet, with just the steady pitter patter of the rain outside in the background. I tiptoed across the hall to the girls room and was greeted by a full on thunderstorm. The rain was literally pummelling horizontally at their window, the wind whistling around the outside of the house and the rumblings of thunder echoed around the room. A little shadow sat up on the top bunk...

"It's noisy, Mama!"

A couple of days later and I was walking to school in spring-like sunshine... tempted to take off my jacket and having to work hard to persuade these little people of mine to wear coats and hats.

This weather is crazy, I tell you!

But there are little hints of spring beginning to push through. We are counting the daffodils in the neighbours garden every afternoon on our way home from school, we are watching the blossom start to appear on the trees, and little girls are entering their Huette with winter coats on, and appearing in the garden with just long sleeved tops on moments later... insisting they wear them seems to be a no-win.

Pick your battles, right?!

Our week on Instagram has looked a lot like this...

A bit of baking, a bit of costing up over good books, a bit of styling the season, and a bit of outdoor adventuring, complete with scooter, of course!

And we are not the only ones for whom the great outdoors and baking seem to have been on the agenda this week!

I have loved the pops of colour beginning to appear on the Instagram feed... and while the run up to Christmas was filled with indoor images, more recently the feed has been full of outdoor adventures, and it seems this season also puts us in the mood for baking, preserving and cooking up a storm.. a pancake had to feature somewhere this week, right?!

Top L-R: @capturebylucy // @nina_nixon // @becomingasahm
Middle L-R: @alicepaling // @brickdustandglitter // @helliescorner
Bottom L-R: @lovelylollyb // @thelinencloud // @frontfortyfarm 
Gradually, we are all coming out of our winter hibernation! Slowly, but surely, it seems...

And Charly, from PODcast was also in the mood for getting out and about this week... check out the stunning photography in her post about her trip to Box Hill. Don't those photographs just utterly capture this season?

I'd love to see all your seasonal adventures in the linky below... all things winter/spring/valentine and pancake themed are welcome this week... we're going for an eclectic mix!

Here are the rules!

1. Link up your post
2. Pop across to at least two other posts, read and leave a comment

It's that simple!

Savouring the Season is all about celebrating the season we find ourselves in...whether it be recipes, crafts, outdoor adventures or reflections on life, link up and share some comment love! And don't forget to grab a badge! (from the sidebar on the right >>>)

Please make sure you only link up below if you are able to comment on a couple of other entries


  1. It really has been crazy weather hasn't it - and we've snow forecast for tomorrow! I do love watching a good storm though, there's something very cosy about being all tucked up inside :)

  2. I have no idea what to wear at the mo - keep getting caught out with it looking warmer than it is x

  3. We have crazy weather just now in Scotland. Constantly raining, then windy, then snowing. X


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