Sunday, 15 May 2016

Siblings in May // 2016

Oh May!

The month of sunshine, and bare feet, and golden days... How we love you! The sunshine has been so very welcome... And these three have loved spending their afternoons in the great outdoors. There have been picnics and tents and plenty of hours spent in their little Hütte. And this year, our littlest man is beginning to join in with all the fun!

Yet again, though, he's fallen prey to another horrible virus, and combined with the arrival of his two top teeth has meant he's had a pretty rough time of it. He wasn't overly in the mood for this particular photo shoot, so we kept it short and sweet...

Here's what they're loving this month...

Ava (4 years, 9 months)
* Playing "homeschool" the minute she gets in the door from real school! Crazy kid!
* Going to a Narnia birthday party
* wearing summer dresses all the time!
* Friday night sleepovers with Heidi
* Getting ready to be a flower girl for Auntie Kristin (only one week to go!!!)
* Helping Mama ("I wish I could help you with cleaning and tidying all day"... Her Father's daughter!)

Heidi (3 years 2 months)
* puzzles galore - the floor is covered in them!
* quiet times ("Can I have two quiet times today Mama? One big one and one little one?")
* wearing a random array of hats - see previous post!
* Getting ready to be a flower girl for Auntie Kristin
* Friday night "sleepovers" with Ava

Jonas (almost 11 months)
* Crawling
* dismantling building blocks
* clapping and waving
* playing with his football "ba-!"
* Bundles with his sisters

I love watching the dynamic between these three unfold. Jonas suddenly seems to be less baby, and more little boy, and is increasingly eager to be involved in EVERYTHING. He's an easy going little lad, and not demanding in the slightest, but at the same time, he knows his own mind. Any enforced renditions of "Row, Row, Row your Boat" by his sisters will be met by extreme shrieking if he's not in the mood, and he'll wiggle his way out of an unwanted bundle too. But most of the time, he's up for joining in their games and following around like their little shadow.

And they? Well, they just think he's the best thing ever!

"Awwww.... Jonas is so cute Mama!" (Ava)
"I love you JoJo!!!" (Heidi - repeated at least five times a day!)

These three little crazies... They are all at lovely stages right now, for such different reasons. Motherhood is relentless, and intense and costly, but I wouldn't change this job for the world. It has emptied me of all I am... Brought me to my knees, humbled me and shown me the extent of my own sin unlike anything else, but I'm so thankful for every day with these little people. We are all learning from, and with, each other and some days that's harder than others, but really, being a Mama is such an honour, and I hope I'll never forget that.

These three little people. I love them so very, very much.

My little siblings in May.

The Me and Mine Project


  1. Gorgeous children! Your age gaps are very similar to ours but my youngest is only 5 months, my eldest is 4 yrs 1 month and my middle is 2yrs 5 months. I am waiting for the day that Ernie is able to express when he doesn't wait to pulled and pushed and cuddled etc by his big sisters and I imagine it's going to involve a lot of shrieking and is going to be a bit of a shock to them!

  2. Aww they are such little cuties - I hope Jonas is feeling better soon, poor boy, everything coming at once! I love that Ava wants to play school as soon as she gets home - perhaps a little teacher in the making ?!


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