Tuesday 6 September 2016

Feasting and Fresh Starts // The Start of a New School Year

It's been a wonderful summer... A summer of fjords and mountains and time together, and all too quickly the start of a new academic year is upon us. I usually feel ready for September... There's usually a readiness for routine and structure again, an excitement for a fresh start. But this year it feels like September has crept up on me unexpected, and if honest, undesired.

I wasn't quite ready for it this year.

And so I had to do a little readying myself to get my head in the right place for adjusting from being a five, to a two. Because this year, our little Heidi is heading off to Nursery too!

And so, as we prepared for our annual "Back to School Feast", it wasn't just one little school goer being crowned and celebrated this year... But two! Oh my... My head, and my heart, are just not ready for this! I am so glad that Heidi's start is delayed, because I'm not quite sure how my Mama emotions would have handled all of them abandoning me for "Big School" all at once!

But then again, as Heidi says, "Don't worry, Mama... Jonas will look after you!"

We held our back to school feast on Saturday night with some of the wider family. As always is the case, the reality never quite resembles the picture perfect scene you imagine in your head, and there were a few tears at the start about an uncomfortable crown and a corn on the cob that was too hot to be eaten immediately.

We soon got over the tears, and the feasting was in full swing, with two little girls so excited to be the centre of attention!

I had made the basic crowns out of some leftover card and my ribbon box. The girls enjoyed decorating them with stickers! They weren't hugely glamorous, but cheap and cheerful, and the girls loved it!t

Of course, the imagery of feasting and fresh starts is helpful for me too. There is something about this time of year that makes me eager for reflection and positive change. The idea of feasting and "filling up" before setting out on a new adventure is one I've been dwelling on... How so often I don't feast and fill up on the kind of food that really matters for preparing me for life - that is feasting on God's word. Spending time reading through and journalling on little chunks of the Bible, and setting aside  daily time to talk with God through prayer.

So September provides a fresh start not only for my little school-goers, but for me too. An opportunity to fall into new rhythms of daily feasting.

And so came Monday.

We waved our big girl off to Year One.

HOW is she in year 1 already?!?

Our Ava Bean... Our Ingalls fan, creative, word-loving Acrobat. Have a wonderful year!

Now just to gear myself up for the next goodbye in a couple of weeks!

*S O B*

How's everyone else feeling about going back to school?!


  1. 😞 .... Hope they have a happy day, its a big one for you all ... thinking of you ! Xxx

  2. Such a lovely, lovely idea. We're having an end of first week at school treat. A little reward for getting through. Hope Ava had a brilliant start back x


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