Tuesday 9 May 2017

My Little Nature Lovers // Exploring the World with Usborne Books

If you were to ask my children what they want to be when they grow up, you'd get some pretty varied answers. It's a question I've always loved asking them, firstly, because I think it gives you an insight into the inner workings of their little brains, and secondly, because it's pretty much a guaranteed giggle.

Here's how it would run in our house...

Elias: (silence... snuffle... snore... Yes, he's sleeping again!)
Jonas: BOB!! (Of the builder variety)
Heidi: a doughnut maker and a princess (great combo there Heidi!)
Ava: A jungle explorer, and a scientist!

I love hearing their current little interests, and I'm always eager to pursue their interests a bit further... Follow their lead, run with their hunger for learning and see where we end up. And over time, with the various interests we've had in the past, beautiful books have played a huge part in helping us follow the children's lead and resulted in a wealth of rich learning that has only fuelled their hunger to learn more.

And no-one does educational, beautiful, informative books better than Usborne.

So when my lovely friend Kirsty, who is an Usborne Organiser, asked me to preview some books for her and see what she had to offer, I snapped up the chance.

An 'Usborne Organiser' is a gem... Someone who knows the stock and the huge wealth of stunning books that the company offers, and can save you hours and hours of research (and some money too...   read on to find out how!) 

So when the girls and I started talking about nature journaling this summer, and pursuing Ava's interest in all things 'nature' and 'exploration', I knew the line of thinking I would pick Kirsty's brains on. And she didn't disappoint. Within minutes of chatting through Ava's area of interest, I was armed with an array of books, all of which I knew my little girl would love.

And it isn't just Ava who's fallen hook, line and sinker for these beautiful books!

Each book beautifully presented, age appropriate, incredibly informative, and utterly timeless, and I just know I couldn't have stumbled upon such rich learning resources without Kirsty's help...

And it wasn't even just books! How adorable are these wildflower cards?? Perfect for taking along on a nature walk and learning as you explore!

And my little lady is lapping up all the exploration already. I'm so excited about all we're going to discover this summer! It can even begin in your own back garden!

Now I just need to find out what Usborne can offer me in the "Bob the Builder" and "doughnut making"      departments... Over to you Kirsty!

An Usborne Organiser can...
> Connect you to specific, age-appropriate books according to your child's areas of interest
> Direct you to some of Usborne's lesser known books which are unavailable to buy in the shops
> Bring a party to your home; as a host you have the opportunity to get some big discounts & freebies!
> Offer fantastic deals to schools, toddler groups and playgroups

If you are local (you know who you are!) message me, or leave a comment below if you'd like me to put you in touch with Kirsty to benefit from her fantastic knowledge, or organise a book party.

If not, check out the Usborne website for more information!

Happy browsing!

* This post is not sponsored in any way. We were lent the books for the purposes of this review. All views are the express and genuine opinions of the author *

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