Monday 2 April 2018

Easter Celebrations // A Belated Me and Mine

With every year that passes, with every new set of chubby little hands which gather round that Easter breakfast table, the tradition we have established here grows more precious. It is far from perfect. Little hands stuffing mini eggs into mouths before we have given thanks, littlest voices demanding porridge, and a Mama who actually only managed to sit down at the table half way through the breakfast... But still, this Easter morning tradition is one of my absolute favourites. For starters, we do it in celebration of the greatest day in history. When Jesus, buried cold in a borrowed tomb, was found alive! When eternal life became a certain promise. When life changed forever.

There is something of that anticipation and excitement as we gather year by year around this second hand, battered table, laden with hot cross buns and chocolate eggs and resurrection gardens...

Somehow the establishment of a celebration at breakfast time has always seemed appropriate to me. After all, it was early in the morning that the women discovered the body was gone, and excited little faces reflect the indescribable amazement of the realisation that the Saviour was alive!

We read the Easter story twice - once in picture book form, once straight from the bible. Accessible to all, and repetition is the key to understanding!

The tone is celebratory! As the story is recounted, we want the children to understand that this celebration outweighs anything else in our calendar. Even better than Christmas!

The symbols from the resurrection eggs decorate the table, a visual opportunity for ordering events, retelling the story, asking questions....

And then there is the garden, so beautifully decorated on Thursday afternoon... By Saturday night it is browned, rotten and dead. The stone covers the tomb and the garden lays barren.

And yet on Sunday morning, the children discovery the garden has transformed, vibrant with colour, the stone rolled back and the tomb empty!

So many questions... Details noted, reflections made. Prayers prayed and discussions had. Clothes thrown on, make-up-less and surrounded by small children, this breakfast is my favourite of the year.

Church followed breakfast, then roast dinner at my parents and an Easter egg hunt with dear friends this afternoon. A jam-packed day, filled with far too much sugar, but it was joyous, and they understood why... And does anything matter other than that?

It was the perfect opportunity for a Me and Mine shot for March... even though technically it's April!

And even if not everyone was initially keen on the idea!

These photos are so precious to me... Me and Mine, at Easter.

I hope it was fabulous for you! What are your Easter traditions??


  1. Thank you for sharing those intimate moments of your Easter Celebrations, it is wonderful to read all the details you have put into place for your family, our Church family do a brazier in the church garden at sunrise with hymns prayers and communion, and head to the vicarage for breakfast, then we have our traditional joint congregation service at 10-30 with the children's choir singing, prayers and more singing some acting from the children and the Rector and finally communion before the Easter Egg Hunt, so very different from your family tradition nevertheless very poignant. God Bless He is Risen indeed

  2. Happy Easter to you all! What a brilliant way to celebrate the best day of the year! We enjoyed hot cross buns in bed before a noisy all-age celebration service at church, fuelled by plenty of coffee and chocolate! Lunch was with my parents and then another, slightly quieter, evening celebration service which I watched at home (with the dog). He has risen! xx


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