Friday 18 May 2018

Hipp Hipp Hurra! // A Red, White and Blue Week

Norwegian National dawned yesterday morning after a busy few days, so the usual 17th May breakfast was sadly not ready! Still, we dressed up in all the red, white and blue and took a few pictures!

After school the children prepared red, white and blue decorations (there might just be a royal wedding at the weekend which I might also need all the colours for!), we listened to the Norwegian songs and had meatballs and pasta for dinner, and our favourite Norwegian waffles for pudding.

The children even did their own National Parade for Papa's arrival home... (just excuse the washing drying in the background!)

It was super cute, and a lovely evening. And the sun was shining, and let's be honest. That alone puts everyone in a good mood.

Simple. Easy. Just making memories in the most basic of ways.

Hipp Hipp Hurra everyone! Happy Norwegian National Day!

Now there's a wedding to prepare for!

PS - Norwegian waffles were a definite hit with this little man!


  1. what delightful pictures as always and how lovely to celebrate your special day together, the pancakes look yummy too

  2. Looks like you all had a great 17. May!


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