Sunday, 4 December 2011

Day Four: Nikolaus kommt!

Today we had a very exciting visitor on the Fluh... and Ava received her little sack from Nikolaus! Apparently she's been good as gold! Sleeping through the night well for Mama and Papa and doing lots of smiling, laughing and growing. It was a lovely start to the christmas season here in Austria!
A wide-eyed Ava at the arrival of Nikolaus and the rather scary looking Krampus!

Kaya was first up... she had been nervous all through dinner that Krampus was going to be cross with her...
 But she wowed them with her piano playing!

Timo was the next up!

 Then it was Ava's turn!

She got some tangerines, nuts, chocolate, some little board books and best of all...

A new wooden rattle that she played with for the rest of the evening!

What a lovely St Nikolaus Day!

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