So here we are... I initially thought I'd only go for five, a) because I have a little kid and want to be realistic about what I'll achieve and b) because I thought I'd struggle with ideas of what to set for myself. I was DEFINITELY wrong on b).... once I got started, the goals just kept coming, so I've whittled it down to my top 5 (although if I'm super-efficient and get them all done, I might add some more to the mix!)
So, here goes...
1. Read 5 challenging books - I'm not just talking any old books (as you all know, I'm a bit of a readaholic!) but 5 books that I've
intended to read for a long time, and never got round to doing... probably because they're slightly tougher books; books that will challenge me and make me think (as opposed to my beloved fiction!) I've gone for Tim Keller's "Meaning of Marriage" (always good to read a marriage book - Dave's read this one and has told me its got a fresh perspective), Terry Virgo's "The Tide is Turning", "The Cross of Christ" by John Stott - one of those christian classics which I've put off reading because I know it's hard core, but everyone whose read it seems to have been changed by it! "Don't waste your life" by John Piper (you can't go wrong with Piper!) and Keller's "Generous Justice" - all about pursuing justice for the poor in our society as a result of the Gospel. That's the line-up... five BIG books; 11 weeks - better get crackin'!
Courtesy of Hillingdon East Conservatives |
2. Partake in half an hour of exercise every day - For too long I've counted "walking to the shops" as part of my daily exercise... might explain why I haven't
quite managed to shake off my pregnancy weight... I'm intending to vary it up so it might involve a cycle ride, using the exercise equipment in the local park (though I'm still wondering if that's a bit too public a place to be exercising!), tennis games, dance classes, Nell McAndrew Workout DVD - the choices are endless... I have no excuse, other than laziness, and I intend to make sure at least half an hour is achieved every day. Starting tomorrow.
3. Make an item of clothing for Ava - I've always been a bit scared to have a go at making clothes to be honest. I love working with a needle and thread, and will try my hand at pretty much anything, but clothing has always been one of those big scary projects that I've been to afraid to approach! Maybe it's because I would only have to make a mini-item, or maybe because my friend Wanda has been making clothes for her little girl and has inspired me, but I think I'm ready to enter the realm of the unknown! Wanda, I will be needing your tips, advice and guidance on this venture! I'll keep you all posted!
(photo courtesy of
Courtesy of |
4. Plant a vegetable patch - I've been working away in my garden this past week, I planted a load of geraniums and marigolds and its starting to look a lot lovelier than it did. I'm no gardener, but there's something lovely about a pretty garden. I think there's something lovely about a productive garden too, and I've wanted a vegetable patch for ages, so its about time to do something about it methinks! I've also found this great website that I think will help - Watch this space!
5. Improve my Norwegian - A bit of a vague one, I know, but I intend to work through this Norwegian course book that my father-in-law handed me down and attempt to speak as much Norwegian as possible when we're out there this summer. In case you didn't know, my husband (who's half-norwegian) speaks Norwegian to our little girl, and while I understand everything he says, I can say close to nothing. That's going to change; this summer!
(photo courtesy of Free Translation Community)
So they're my top five... as I said, depending on the success of these five goals, others may be added to the list at a later date, but now its your turn...
What are your five goals this summer?
Click the word "comments" below and let me know and let's "Get Good" this summer!
Me and my best friend have for a few years done a joint "summer goals" list but I've never done one for myself! So here goes...
ReplyDelete1. There's a 100 day bible overview that I've wanted to do for months....
2. Make a scrap book of pictures of my mum, and different peoples memories of her
3. Finish my quilt (I've been making this for about 3 years!)
4. Sort out my bedroom (including clothes and old paperwork!)
5. Get a voluntary/paid job or work experience
Eeeek it's quite scary writing it down!