Saturday, 27 April 2013

Saturday Song...

This weekend I was invited to a songwriting meet-up. Its been a few years, and I don't think I've really written anything since the girls were born. Time isn't so readily available as it once was. But songwriting is something I love and although I can't make the meet-up this time, I'm hopeful to be able to throw ideas around and work with some of these guys, and of course learn from them.

Thinking about that meet-up, however, made me root back in my files and have a little listen to some of the stuff we recorded a few years back. I wrote this song, Amazed by Grace, the year before Ava was born. It was a season of life where I just felt God's hand of blessing over my life in a very tangible way, and yet was so conscious of my own failings and flaws. The song was born out of a realisation of God's utter goodness to me despite that. I am constantly amazed by his grace - wholly undeserved and oh so generously given.

I hope it is a blessing to you. Excuse the "live" recording!!

(This song, its music and lyrics, are property of Clarina's Contemplations and may not be reproduced without permission. Copyright 2010)


I've been shortlisted for the BIBs "Inspire" category. Thank you SO much to all of you who nominated me... I am utterly humbled and grateful... and slightly gobsmacked! If you do like the blog and would like to vote for me in the "Inspire" category, you can do so below. Just put a tick in the box beside "Clarina's Contemplations" under the Inspire category! THANKS!


  1. I am amazed how you can write and sing, it went to my heart.

  2. Lovely song Claire x


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