Tuesday, 2 April 2013

The Photo Zoo...

I was trawling through our photos, the other day, of the last month since Heidi was born, and realised we didn't have a really nice photo of the four of us together yet... so on Easter Sunday, when we were all in our Sunday best (OK... I'll admit... I did purposefully put the girls in pink and white outfits - I knew there would be a photo opportunity at some point!) I thought it would be a good opportunity to get that perfect family shot.


Clearly, I have not tried to get the "perfect family shot" since having children... or at least since having a one year old. The scene that ensued resembled a cross between a circus, a photo studio and just pure chaos...

Here are the pictures that we got... they actually look quite dignified. We did get some nice shots, none of those picture perfect shots where everyone is smiling and looks like they could be on the front cover of OK magazine, but I'm happy with them. The REAL shame is that I didn't get a photo from my perspective.

Picture the scene. Brother holding camera, snapping shot after shot after shot... Mum kneeling beneath camera waving frantically and calling "Ava - smile!!", sister dancing a jig on the right of photographer brother while making crazy noises in an attempt to provoke smile from said one-year-old, and Father on the left, jumping, pulling faces and making a cross between screeching and whooping noise.

How could we not smile?!

That shot would have been priceless!

PS - I've been nominated for two awards in Britmums "Brilliance in Blogging" awards... If you enjoy the blog and want to support me, please do take two minutes and vote!
Thank you! :D

Nominations close on April 12th...

Just click HERE TO NOMINATE (or on the links in the top left hand corner!)

Blogging is cheaper than therapy (not that we would know). And sometimes sharing (over sharing?) family life stories can be a very satisfying process. These bloggers let it rip when it comes to writing about family life.

The content, the voice, the infectious enthusiasm of these bloggers encourages everyone around them. They are seen as leaders in their field and their inspiration is felt through the community.


  1. ...ja das sind Real Life Bilder ;-) Vorallem sehr süß - eure kleine Prinzessin - Heidi mit Krönchen auf dem Kopf...hihi...
    Ich kann es mir sooo lebhaft vorstellen wie die 4 ihr Bestes gegeben haben - ich glaube ich wäre daneben gestanden und hätte Tränen gelacht :-)
    ...und P:S ihr müsst eurem Fotograf sagen, das nächste mal soll er sich nicht von den Clowns rechts und links ablenken lassen und auch mal auf den Hintergrund schaun...

    Aber lieber solche "echten" Bilder als diese gezungen, gestellten - geposten fake smile Fotos!

    ...wann sehn wir uns??

    LG Catrin

    1. BALD hoffe ich! Ich glaube ich werde euch wieder in Dezember besuchen!! Dann kann ich euer Baby kennenlernen!!! EEEKK! Cx

  2. Joining in with Me and Mine is SUCH great motivation to get those famil shots that, as you say, you suddenly realised you haven't had a chance to take. Your girls' outfits are so lovely!

    1. I know... its a good incentive! Looking forward to having the push to take that photo more regularly! Thanks for stopping by! Claire x

  3. These are beautiful photos xx

  4. So happy that you have linked up your lovely family xx

    1. Really glad to have the incentive to capture these moments! Thanks for hosting! Cx

  5. I LOVE their matching outfits. Perfect Photo!!

    1. Lol... I'm not sure about perfect... but as close as we were going to get!! So excited to have two girls and the possibilities of matching outfits!

  6. Oh these are just BEAUTIFUL family photos. How old are you children? I think they look a similar age to mine! I have an 11 week old and a 28 month old as well. Thanks for linking up. x

  7. Gorgeous photos. My little boy was 19 months when his sister was born and between her being all sleep and floppy, and him refusing to perform for the camera we only had one photo of the four of us in the whole first 3 months of her life. Hence this little project.
    I love the photos you got. You all look so happy and relaxed together, and you look so proud too. And a photo from your perspective would have been brilliant by the sounds of it, there is an idea for next time. x

  8. Bless! A perfect photo is almost impossible. And that's what makes them so special and memorable :)

  9. And no one would be any the wiser! Some gorgeous family shots :) Doesn't matter how old your kids are, that perfect shot is never attainable! x


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