Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Tower building...

We have had a fantastic first day at NWA. Dave and I got to hear some brilliant teaching from Mark Dever and Thabiti Anyabwile while Ava had a whale of a time with her Bestamor (Norwegian Grandma) and Heidi slept and fed and received copious cuddles and cooing (she has just started smiling!)

This evening, after shovelling down generous portions of pasta and frankfurters (thanks hub), we were really excited to go to our first "Families together" meeting... We were not disappointed...

We were looking together at 1 Peter 1 where it talks about Jesus being the 'cornerstone'; the strong, steady and vital rock upon which we, as Christians, build our lives. Each child received a flat-packed box which they needed to build, before writing their name on it. Ava then took her and Heidi's boxes up to the front where the children proceeded to build a huge wall centred around a large 'cornerstone' box with Jesus name on it. We then had a little activity sheet to work through together before a couple more songs. At the end, the guy explained that Jesus is absolutely vial to our lives, and showed us tat without him, we all come tumbling down. How did he demonstrate that to the children? He just pulled that big old 'Jesus' rock out of the wall and all the children's stones tumbled to the ground.

A simple illustration, but oh so vivid. Without him - his death and resurrection - my life really does come tumbling down.

Praise God for the simplicity of the Gospel!

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