Tuesday 3 December 2013

Advent Ideas for Kids: Nativity Advent Calendar

Two years ago, as we approached Ava's first Christmas, I had an idea of the advent calendar I wanted.

I wanted one that held the pieces of a nativity scene so that each day another piece would be pulled out and the nativity scene would gradually build, culminating by placing Jesus in the scene right at the end. I wanted it to have 25 pockets, containing a 25 piece nativity seat, with 25 verses that match the item and fit together to tell the nativity story in full in one flowing piece at the end.

I know... A pretty tall order.

Could I find my nativity advent calendar anywhere??


And so I decided I must make one myself...


The advent calendar itself was fairly straightforward. (If you would like to buy one ready for next year please just message me at the Homemade Hütte Facebook page -£20 each), the real issue was finding a 25 piece nativity set, which I've basically discovered does not exist. So I've had to be a bit creative there too - one cute set of Kings and Shepherds that I picked up at Chatsworth House three years ago, and the rest is good old Fimo! Fimo isn't the cheapest of materials to work with, but I figured this was going to be a long term investment!


Every day the girls pull out the next pocket. Each numbered pocket contains one piece of the nativity scene, one verse (to see the verses we use, check out this post from last year), and one chocolate coin (Heidi's not quite ready for a coin yet!)

Ava loves it. Everyday she asks me where baby Jesus is, and everyday I tell her she'll just have to wait and see! At present, we have a stable floor and a wall! Today will be the first character we add to the story!


Our advent calendar hangs just behind our dining table, and on the shelf above it is a nice clear space, waiting to be filled up with our nativity scene!

And day by day, the story unfolds.


  1. Schöne Idee! Wirklich toll gemacht.
    Da bin ich aber froh, dass ich kein all zu schlechtes Gewissen haben muss...denn euer Paket steht hier nun seit 3!!! Wochen und wartet darauf mit zur Post genommen zu werden (und da ist auch ein Adventskalender drin... der kommt für dieses Jahr zu spät :-( ) ...aber morgen muss es endlich zur Post (so ist das wenn man am A... der Welt wohnt ;-)
    LG Catrin


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