Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Ready, Steady...

Last night the packing began... Slowly but surely we are gathering up our daily life and attempting to fit it into three suitcases. The girls have one sleep to go, and Ava talks daily about the aeroplane, the bus and the boat she's going to get, and she's filling Heidi in on fjordlife...

"Heidi... We catch fish that are SOOOO big... And then we cook them and then we eat them!"

"This year you can come out in the boat with us too, Heidi!"

"We can see Bestamor and Bestafar every day!"

"Sometimes we go and see the goats, Heidi, and we can even go up and hug them!"

"There is a room with toys on the big boat, Heidi... And we can play with whatever we like!"

I realise when I hear my big girl telling my little all about Norway, what wonderful memories she is making when we spend our summers there. Swimming, grilling, playing with second-cousins and little friends, boat-rides, fishing, goat-visiting and countless hours spent with their grandparents. These summers are summers to cherish.

As for me? I'm looking forward to celebrating our six-year wedding anniversary, evenings spent reading and playing games on the balcony to the sound of rippling waves, dipping my toes in fjord-water, eating cherries and raspberries straight off the tree/bush, and most of all, soaking and savouring this view...

I never tire of it.

So for the next month (with the exception of Thursdays #GetGoodSummer) I'm going to be posting a single picture a day of what we're up to, so that you can all get a taste of this country I've come to love...

So there you have it! I'll see you in Norway!


  1. Have a great time and see you in August

  2. Sounds lovely! xx

  3. Oh that sounds incredible - especially the nice cold fjord water for cooling off in - have a wonderful time!

  4. That sounds just wonderful! Have a great break x

  5. Looking forward to seeing your pics. Excited as just booked to go next summer! Have a great time.

  6. Looks and sounds so beautiful Claire. Determined we'll make a trip to Norway some day! x

  7. Sounds absolutely perfect- can't wait to see the pics! x


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