Friday, 6 February 2015

The Real Stuff...

A smattering of snow... That's all you could call it really. If you've ever lived anywhere in the world where real snow exists, you couldn't even call it that...

And yet, when these little ladies woke up to that white blanket on Tuesday, it was magical. I've never seen them get dressed so quickly... Desperate to get outside, clothes were thrown on, breakfast scoffed and teeth vigorously brushed.

And it was a delight to watch these little ones of ours exploring the glorious white world outside...

All the while knowing, that tomorrow we're heading for the real stuff. The bags are packed, the girls goodie packs wrapped, tickets printed and passports checked. We are heading back to Norway for some real snow... Snowmen, sledges, a bit of skiing and no doubt tonnes of Bestemor's apple cake and waffles.

Some things never change! And we're perfectly happy with that arrangement!

So I will be doing my usual blog routine when we're away... Posting a single picture a day of what we're up to, and showing you a little bit of stunning, wintery Norway!

For now, I'll leave you with our English attempt at snow!!



  1. Oh wow - their faces when they see Norwegian snow!! It sounds like it's going to be amazing - have fun!

  2. Love it!
    The little lady here doesn't like the snow - at all! And we've got loads of the stuff...

    Enjoy Norway, the snow and the family.... Send my love to all of them!

    Xxx Catrin

  3. Målfrid Bergseth Gunvordal6 February 2015 at 13:12

    Velkommen til Norge🎿❄️⛄️

  4. Ooooh! Have lovely time. x

  5. Velkomne, velkomne til Sogn! Gler meg til å vera saman med dykk! God tur. x x x

  6. More snow there than I realised in Chessington! Lovely to see how happy the girls are in the garden with the snow. They will have fun here in Norway.

  7. Have a lovely time in Norway! We've yet to see the snow as Southerners! We had some sleet but that was all. Enjoy the proper snow and wrap up warm! xx #CountryKids

  8. Awww I suddenly remember savoring the seasons! This is about that! Enjoying winter and snow =) #countrykids

  9. Oh have fun. We didn't even get that attempt at UK snow.


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