Monday 6 March 2017

The Home Life Project // A Birthday Weekend

I know the whole purpose of this project is to capture the every day ordinary moments, but the fact is, this wasn't a very ordinary weekend for us... It was full on birthday celebrations all round! On Friday we celebrated my Mum's birthday with takeaway and Krispy Kremes and family gathered together, and on Saturday, when I decided to take my photos, it was our Heidi's fourth birthday... So not an every day, ordinary kind of weekend at all!

But then I got to thinking that actually it's so important to capture the special moments too... It's probably true to say that every family celebrates birthdays a little bit differently... Traditions are established, memories are made and the little details, the ordinary moments, of these extraordinary days are often missed.

And the fact is, that whether birthday or not, early on Saturday mornings, our little brood can usually be found cosied up on the sofa with warm milk and a blanket watching a DVD... the only difference being that this time, the DVD was a fresh out of the wrapping-paper birthday present!

Of course, certain members will only stick out the television for so long before it becomes boring and other entertainment is sought... I know this photo is super grainy, but it's just our Jonas all over at the moment - such a jolly little fellow!

Of course, there were copious present opening sessions over the course of the day... 

And then there was the party. The 'Fairy and Pixie Garden Party'! I'll be doing a full post on it over the next couple of days, but I just thought I'd record some of those precious little moments, those 'caught-on-camera' details here too... (Thanks to Alex and Emily for some of the photographs)

These two... So thrilled to be back to their 'one year apart' thing.

And this little man... Forever exploring, forever climbing and adventuring and generally being a little ray of sunshine...

A busy little weekend,

Home Life Photography Project


  1. Beautiful photos. It sounds like a lovely day of birthday celebrations.

  2. I get in trouble with my husband for always including photos of our son with an ipad, but the thing is, a bit like the televison moment, its this rare window of time (rarer still with three I would imagine) when they are still! :-) Happy Birthday to Heidi and your mum.

  3. This looks like a wonderful not so ordinary weekend and it sounds like you had a great time celebrating! x

  4. Aw what a lovely weekend to capture.


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