Wednesday, 27 December 2023

Christmas 23: The Whirlwind and The Countdown!

Advent and Christmas have been a whirlwind this year... a combination of juggling four kids' school commitments, Dave's first term at a new school, my winding down for maternity leave, a new baby in the family and counting down for our little arrival in a couple more weeks! It's been a busy season, and yet somehow, with a little bit of intention, we have managed to create space every day to build in moments of quiet to stop and remember the reason for this precious season...

And then Christmas itself rolled around, and four excited (and growing!) children reminded us that just because your kids are getting bigger, doesn't mean its still not as special as ever!

It was a day of celebrating and remembering... we opened presents, we joined our church family to celebrate the arrival of King Jesus, we tucked into a brilliant roast (thanks Mum and Dad!)...

watched the King's speech...

enjoyed family time... and a LOT of cousins!

 opened more presents... 

and rounded up the evening at ours!

All in all a lovely Christmas... and a last one with big kids for a while (I think I'm only now realising the ability that big kids give you to relax at big family gatherings and not need to be "on it" in quite the same way!). In a couple of weeks we'll be re-entering the newborn phase. We're all excited to meet out littlest member! And though I didn't manage to get a family picture on Christmas Day - I did manage to get this one with my girls. These two are going to be such a help when baby arrives. The excitement is real!

Happy Christmas everyone! I hope it was a precious one for you too!


  1. Beautiful family

  2. Sounds like much fun has been had. Special times x

  3. So flotte bilder og kos dykk videre🔔💐🎼⛄️

  4. So lovely to all be together. We are blessed ❤️


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