Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Christmas Pressie Crafting: Journals

Upstairs, on our landing, is a bookshelf which is home to a number of thick notebooks which reach back to 2003 when I first began journalling. I have found it to be such a blessing over the years; recording what God is teaching me, memories, things I'm learning and thinking about and what I'm up to. Sometimes I sit myself down and have a read through my old journals - they're records of wonderful memories, hard times and funny situations. They tell of my experiences through university, what life was like abroad, mine and Dave's courtship and my pregnancy with Ava... cherished memories.

This christmas, I decided to make journals for my mother- and sister-in-law so that they too have the opportunity to record all the things they are learning and have something to look back on in the years to come. My mother-in-law is already a steady diary-keeper and can tell you exactly what she was doing this time 3 years ago (and she can often tell me what I was doing too!) so I thought it might be nice for them to have a homemade journal to keep this coming year!

I bought in blank notebooks, again from Panduro, to do up... and had lots of fun sticking in little bits for them to use, little date labels, quotes that I have found useful, pockets for keepsakes and memories. Here's some photos - perhaps they'll inspire you to have a go! I stupidly forgot to take photos before I wrapped them up and sent them off, but my mother-in-law has very kindly taken some photos of hers, now in use, for you to peruse!

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