Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Project Budget Bathroom Makeover...

When we moved into this house, we moved into Grannyville... gaudy carpets, artex overload, walls of cork tiles and linoland... we re-did the entire house, except the one room that was actually OK... the bathroom.

This was the bathroom when we first moved in... check out
those gorgeous flowery tiles! And I'm not tall, but would anyone
over the age of 5 actually fit under that shower??!
Now when I say OK, I mean it had a functioning shower and didn't make me want to puke. However, in the light of re-doing the rest of our house, this room now stands out like a sore thumb... blue suite, tile transfers and peeling paint. The problem is, we're not really in a financial position to do an overhaul on this room. Ideally, I'd love a white bathroom suite, batten and board walls, waterproof wood floor (heated of course) and loads of storage. Basically, all of that is out of the question... somehow, I need to make this room look great without changing the suite at all...

A few months ago, though, I made a brilliant discovery... the tile transfers peeled off! I climbed straight out of the bath, and in my towel, spent an hour working my way round the room, getting my nail under that yucky flowery transfer and peeling it away. At least I have plain white walls now! There is, however, one lone tile transfer still present in our bathroom... no it's not paying tribute to the bathroom that once was... it's there because it's directly above the door and I couldn't quite reach it by standing on the toilet without being in serious danger of breaking my neck!

Anyway... here's the bathroom now... (the lived in look!)

Look at that disgusting bath panel. This paint peel thing wasn't there before we
moved in... I don't know if its happened because the thing was painted right before
we bought the house... or because the shower was never used (it was only used as a bath)
or because the couple who lived here didn't have little children who like to splash??

Desperately in need of a blind so we
can stop hanging a towel up!

Check out the horrible orange toilet seat!

But this is probably the biggest problem... storage! At the moment,
it isn't really a problem having bleach and bathroom cleaner sitting out...
but with a 6 month old increasingly more mobile, I need to get this
stuff away from little hands quick!
Now, when I say budget, I mean budget... I mean "my maternity pay is about to run out and we're down to one income" budget... This makes this both more challenging, and more fun...

I'm off to hunt some bargains! Check-in next week when I'll reveal my plans! :D

1 comment:

  1. Hey Claire,

    ich bin schon sehr gespannt was du mit dem Bad anstellst....Die Badewanne sieht jetzt echt übel aus...aber ich bin mir sicher dass du das schon hinbekommst dass es auch im Bad toll aussieht!

    ABER ich musste mich gerade mal wieder kringeln vor lachen ;-) soooo typically english...ihr hängt im ernst ein Handtuch vors Fenster??? Da kann doch sowieso keiner reinsehen *hihi* ich muss noch immer kichern :-)

    LG Cat


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