Friday 23 November 2012

Going into business...

It's official! After much umming and aahing, lots of encouragement from my family (most of all my hub), considering, reconsidering and then considering again, I have finally decided to bite the bullet. I'm going into business...

I love to make things, and I love to be creative and we're also hitting a stage in our lives (with number two on the way) where I was trying to think of alternative creative ways to make a little bit of money on the side. I thought about so many different options, but at the end of it all, this was the one my heart was in... this is what I enjoy and love, and as long as it stays that way, why shouldn't I try it out? Scary as it seems, I can't really lose out. If no-one wants to buy the stuff, I just have my Christmas/birthday presents sorted for the next 3 years!

So, as of next week, my little online shop will be available through this blog and I'm excited, nervous and a little terrified of seeing how it goes.... "The Homemade Hütte"  will be up and running for your christmas perusal (assuming I don't sell out on the launch night at the Christmas Craft evening on Monday - one can dream?!) as of Tuesday. It will be small and I intend to keep it that way. That way we can see how it goes with two babies around...

Here's a sneaky little preview of what's coming your way...

Have a fab weekend!


  1. Lovely Claire. I am sure it will be a success! Lynnx

  2. That's such exciting news! I will definitely keep my eyes peeled on Tuesday :)


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