Sunday, 10 March 2013

For Mum on Mother's Day

Some people were born to be teachers, some thrive in the world of business, some are community workers and caregivers and just seem like they were made to do their job.

My Mum, it seems, was born to be a mother. Anyone who knows my Mum will know she is the most self-giving, self-effacing person. She may not be the most genius maths brain (sorry Mum!) but she knows her stuff when it comes to mothering, and I feel so very honoured to have had her as my mentor, confidante and best friend all these years. I know in my mothering of Ava and Heidi, I could have no better role model.

This past week, my Mum has been absolutely irreplaceable to us... She has given Ava the care and security she has needed while Mama was away in hospital for a week, she sacrificed her desire to meet her new little granddaughter in order to meet the needs of her first little granddaughter who has been more sick this week than she has ever been in her life before (and Mama was helpless). I cannot tell you how hard it is to know your little one is suffering a horrendous stomach virus and you're not allowed to even see her... But how reassuring to know that the person caring for Ava was the one who I trust most in the world (apart from Dave who did an incredible juggling act last week) to care for our children.

Mum has taught me what it means to serve, she has shown me what it means to daily sit at Jesus feet, she has modelled God-glorifying motherhood to me; sacrificing, disciplining with grace, being real about her own failings and listening... She always had a listening ear for my childhood worries, as well as my teenage dramas. Today, she is still, with the exception of my husband and my Heavenly Father, my first port of call. She has taught me what it practically looks like to put others needs before your own, and has made the calling of wife and mother attractive. She has taught me how to make a house a home, modelled hospitality and corrected me, with grace, over the years, always with the certainty and security of her support and love and desire for my best and God's glory.

She is not perfect; she will tell me off for painting her as the 'model mum' but I just wanted to say, in a world that hails celebrities, I'm so very grateful to God for you, Mum.

Happy Mother's Day.



  1. Oh wie schön, Claire und ich geb dir in allen Punkten recht (wobei ich das mit der kleinen Mahtheschwäche nicht beurteilen kann ;-)

    LG und schönen Muttertag aun euch beide!

  2. That brought a tear to my eye! I will bet your Mum's too. x


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