Tuesday, 3 September 2013

"Wife after God": Review and Giveaway!

This past week I've been working my way through a fab little devotional called "Wife after God" and I'm loving it! Marriage is taking a bit of a hit in our society, and the wife/husband relationship is currently under attack from the media, from the Government and from our own sinful natures. All too often, my biggest desire is my own comfort and well-being, not how I can edify my marriage... I don't want to go for a walk (even though my hub loves a good old walk and talk) and so I'll turn down the suggestion, even though I know some of our best conversations and deep and meaningfuls happen while we're roaming our local streets!

This little book is a 30 day devotional which seeks to grow us as wives in our relationship with God, thereby impacting our relationships with our husbands; it is refreshing, it is practical, it is readable and its challenging. This past week I can honestly say I have been more intentional and reflective within my marriage, and though its shown me some stuff about myself I'd rather not have seen, I am thankful for this little book, and excited to keep reading it...

Whose it for?
Christian wives - whether your husband is a Christian or not. The book is helpfully written bearing both situations in mind. It is a fab little devotional if you're someone who regularly spends daily time with the Lord, but its also a great resource if you're someone who has struggled to get into that routine. It is short and sweet but very well structured and very challenging. If you're in a phases of life (like me!) where you have small children crawling round you all day, it is the perfect length.

So how does it work?
The book is split into 30 two-page readings that cover a particular aspect of marriage... Just the chapter titles alone are enough to get you reading... "Ministry of Reconciliation", "Marriage is to make you Holy" and "Prayer for your husband" were three that really stood out to me. Each mini chapter opens with a scripture reading, and then a "thought" section to unpack the Scripture and apply it. There is then a prayer which has been written to specifically pick up on the themes for that day, and then the practical comes... Each day, there is a challenge - something practical that you can do that very day to put into practice what you've been reading about. These range from simply discussing something with your husband, to an activity, to an attitude check. They are small, achievable and helpful goals. 

After the challenge, there is a daily status update, for all you tweeters out there, although I decided to refrain from this (some aspects of the book are quite "American" and perhaps wouldn't go down so well in a more British culture - perhaps I'm making excuses, but that was the decision I felt comfortable with!)

The chapter closes with some questions for you to journal about. I found this bit soooo helpful. Simply to take the time to reflect on God's word and how that is impacting my marriage was SO helpful and I have genuinely really enjoyed taking the time to actually reflect on and take a close look at our marriage... A relationship that is SO easy to take for granted.

Where can I get it?
You can find out more information about this devotional here, but you can also go ahead and order a copy through Amazon here for £8.97, I can promise you it will be worth every penny, and will be something you will return to time and time again.

Jennifer has very kindly sent me a copy to give away to one of you, my lovely readers! All you need to do is leave a comment (with your full name) in the comments section below! The giveaway closes at midnight on Friday (6th) and I will be announcing the giveaway winner on Saturday 7th (so make sure you check back!!)

I highly recommend this book - whether you're engaged, or you've been married fifty years... It has something to say to all of us. I can guarantee you will be challenged and encouraged as a result.

DISCLOSURE: I have not been paid to write this review. All opinions are my own. We did, however, receive "Wife after God" free of charge.


  1. Yes please! Yes please! I came across your blog when it popped up on Chris' news feed and have been wanting to let you know how inspiring your blog is - you seem to say many things I long to say if only I had the courage. I'm praying for you, Dave and your little one and praise God for you all. Much love in Christ, Cat Dalton xxxx

  2. Very interested! Jenny Lane

  3. Sounds like a great little book Claire - something we could all do with. So easy to become complacent in a marriage but it takes work and Im sure this will help. I'd love to enter your giveaway :) x

  4. me please! Cheryl Kinnaird

  5. I'm one of those Claire! Would love the book! Thank you! X

  6. this sounds brill, so important to remember hubby!

  7. Yes I tried a few times Claire. Count me in the freebie! x

  8. We celebrated 10 years of marriage this year...but still need a point in the right direction! Anne-Marie Carlin

  9. Ruth van den Broek3 September 2013 at 19:11

    Can you count me in too? Xx

  10. Helen Brocklehurst3 September 2013 at 19:16

    Me too please :) x

  11. I tried too-saying 'Sold! I like the pretty cover too :)'

  12. Ooh sounds good! Me please!

  13. Yes please! Looks great x

  14. Hi Claire, sounds like the kind of length I can manage 2 read these days, love the idea of short but challenging thoughts. count me in please!xxx

  15. sounds interesting

  16. Yep, sounds good.x

  17. Sounds really good. Much needed!

  18. And me! :) Thanks for thinking of me, I'd love something to help me spend more time with God day to day and also improve my marriage. xx

  19. Sounds like an important book to read and after 9 months of marriage there is so much to learn about being a godly wife. Love Kay

  20. I've been trying to comment all day, fingers crossed it works this time! Sounds like a great tool, would definitely be interested to read it :)

  21. that book sounds great Claire! would love a copy!


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