Wednesday 13 November 2013

GIVEWAY treat for hungry tums...

One day last week I made a schoolboy mothering error. I got the girls up and dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast, opened the fridge door and oh dear. The full fat milk carton was empty.

This is no problem for Ava who, at 2, can happily munch her cereal doused in semi-skimmed, but at 8 months old, Heidi is still fully on the fat when it comes to her breakfast cereal.


I racked my brains. A trip to the shops would risk Heidi falling asleep on route (yes, it does feel like she goes down for a nap very quickly after waking from a whole night's sleep... Babies, hey?!) and toast is fine, but about as much ends up on her floor as goes in her mouth... And then it hit me!


The day before I'd received a parcel in the post full to the brim of baby goodies! HiPP Organic had sent me their latest range of food pouches to review for all of you lovely people and suddenly my breakfast dilemma was solved!

Heidi merrily tucked in to her apple and baby rice breakfast and the day was saved!

I am a BIG believer in home cooked food for little tums. There's nothing quite like a good home-cooked meal, is there? But I tell you what, these pouches are fabulous for when your out and about... Easy to store, no bowl necessary and my little lady has been seriously enjoying trying out some of the different flavours.

One of my favourite things about this particular range is that they haven't been afraid to try some new ideas. Rather than just the tried and tested chicken stew and shepherd pie concoctions, they have thought outside the box and tried some more interesting flavours. Heidi particularly enjoyed this one, and I have to admit to taste-testing it myself. Curry for babies?? It was yum... Very mild, but it actually DID taste like curry!

The other thing I really liked that I found different to some of the other brands we have used was that in the 7+ month options the little lumps were actually little lumps. Sometimes I have found the texture of the 4 month and 7 month baby food to be verging on exactly the same, but I liked the fact Heidi would actually be able to appreciate the different textures in these pouches.

So here you have it... From the little lady herself! And the MOST exciting thing that she'd like to tell you (if she could say anything other than ma-ma-ma) would be that HIPP Organic have generously offered a hamper of baby goodies to one of YOU!

All you have to do is leave a comment in the box below with your name, and you could be in with a chance of winning a hamper full of HiPP Organic goodies!

Maybe you don't have a little one yourself, but wouldn't it be a great little gift for someone you know who is about to embark on the exciting adventure that is weaning?!

Go on... Look how great they are!!

* The pouches are suitable for babies from 4 months *
* The Giveaway is open to UK participants only *
* The Giveaway will close at midnight on Tuesday 19th November 2013 *
* The winner will be announced on Wednesday 20th November 2013 *
* The winner will have 1 week to respond to receive their prize, if I do not hear from them, they will forfeit the prize to somebody else *
* HiPP Organic will send the prize directly to the winner *

Here's what HiPP discovered about weaning in their recent survey... Is it your experience too??

Disclosure: We were sent the complete range of new HiPP Organic baby pouches to trial and were compensated for hosting the Giveaway too. All thoughts and opinions are our own.


  1. This sounds perfect for me and Freddie! We're going on a little trip abroad in December and these would be ideal for the journey.

  2. This sounds perfect for me and Freddie! We're going on a little trip abroad in December and these would be ideal for the journey.

  3. Ooooh these look yummy! Ruby would enjoy them! Emily. X

  4. I agree. Home cooked is always preferable but we use the pouches when out and about. Home cooked meat in transit is a concern - pouches are much safer.

  5. These would be great to have, as starting to wean my little girl Emily in 2 wks : ) the flavours sound really tasty compared to many others including my own made purees ! Another plus is they come in handy little pouches ideal for when we are out & about x

  6. These would be very useful to have in the kitchen cupboard. Fingers crossed we win, I think Isabelle would enjoy a chicken curry! Becky Hodgetts.

  7. They sound delicious (well for baby food) nice and colourful too!!

  8. Catherine Russell14 November 2013 at 07:05

    Looks great!

  9. Yes please! Joseph will be munching his way through food before we know it! Steph xx

  10. Miss T loves Hipp pouches. Cute photos! love Rebecca Beesley xxx


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