Tuesday 14 January 2014

After the storm...

This weather has been a little crazy to say the least!

Our garden has taken a bit of a beating. We came downstairs last week to see that a patch of grass down the end of the garden had been dyed blue... I somehow wondered if the paint on the door to my Craft Room had run in the rain, but no...

It soon became clear that the grass was so much underwater that it was reflecting the door!

Yes, the end of our garden was submerged under about an inch of water...


This weekend, we finally had some decent weather... and the floodwaters in the garden had somewhat subsided. And so, armed with her bubbles, Ava and I braved the garden for some outdoor fun... there's only so much being cooped in with a 2 year old and a 10 month old you can do!

Yes, that is Ava putting the bubble mixture in her mouth, and yes, she has now discovered that is most definately does NOT taste good!

So, the rain has ceased for a time. I'm reliably informed that the snow is now on its way.

Bring it on!


  1. Oh gosh you have had it wet - hopefully things will keep drying out for a while!

  2. You poor thing, that kind of rain is debilitating! Great that it's clearing from your garden and you've managed to get out in it now though :) Not entirely sure I'm looking forward to the snow this year but it's definitely on it's way... #letkidsbekids

  3. That does look like a wet garden! Love bubbles. Great pics.
    Thanks for linking #LetKidsBeKids

  4. There is nothing worse than being cooped up for days by the weather ! Lovely photos, especially the bubbles in the mouth! #LetKidsBeKids

  5. You don't have to go far for some great outdoor fun! I did laugh at the bubble tasting - using their taste is after all one of the ways they learn. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

  6. oh my goodness i hope your little flood does not make it to the house, oh what a picture of the taste of bubbles haha #CountryKids

  7. Looks like you've had some really nasty weather! You seem to have made the most of it though! Fab photos x


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