Tuesday 25 February 2014

Party time! Heidi's Rainbow Party...

In exactly one week, our little Heidi turns one! I can hardly believe it! That tiny little bundle that was placed in my arms in that operating theatre has become a cheeky little lady with chubby cheeks and an infectious giggle. She has been through an awful lot in her little life, and in many ways, this time now feels like the calm after the storm... the beauty of hope after dark days. And so it only seemed right to throw her a "Rainbow Party"...

The promise of hope and a future.
The symbol of God's faithfulness.
Beauty after the storm.

And so this Saturday, we will gather with Heidi's little friends and their families and celebrate the birthday of a special little lady. One who has survived a storm, and who has taught us how deep God's faithfulness really runs.

The party will be a multicoloured affair - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Pretty colours for my gorgeous, growing-too-quickly baby girl!

I've been "pinning" away to my hearts content, and am all inspired to rustle up this Rainbow Party!


If you enjoy the blog, we'd love you to support us and cast your nominations for the "MAD (Mum and Dad) Blog Awards our way!
We're currently up for "Best Baby Blog" and "Best Family Fun" but you can nominate for any category you feel we fit into... Thanks to all of you who have already nominated! :D
Nominations close March 14th.

MAD Blog Awards


  1. This is officially crazy! One already ... I'd love to come and join the rainbow fun!
    Oh well... It's a shame I can't ... But here you go- some rainbow fun for Heidi


    Xxx Catrin

  2. Lots of love on this first birthday and praise The Lord who has answered all our prayers x


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