Tuesday 25 March 2014

The #BIBs are back!

Last year, I was a bit of a blogging novice. I had actually been blogging regularly for around 18 months, but I was really only getting to grips with the "blogging world". I had no idea there were all these communities of bloggers who actually got to know each other, shared ideas, worked together to achieve incredible things...

So you can imagine my shock, last year, when I discovered that my little blog had been shortlisted for the "Inspire" category of the BIBs (Brilliance In Blogging Awards)...

I was truly choked up, and slightly in shock, that this little web space was that valued not only by people I know and count as dear friends, but also people I have never met and possibly never will.

In all the trauma and chaos with our Heidi that followed that shortlisting last year, it was wonderful to think that perhaps in all we were going through, we were perhaps able to help others, to know that when you feel like you've hit rock bottom, when life takes an unexpected and tragic turn, all is not lost. I can honestly tell you that not for one minute of our ordeal did I ever feel "inspiring"... I swung between extreme emotions and I fired questions at God. It was honest and it was real, and it was very, very uncomfortable. I was not inspiring. But God? He kept our gaze high even at the bottom of the pit. He lifted our eyes.

Life is very different this year. Our Heidi is still ill, but we are not in the deep pit we found ourselves in last year. We are learning what it means to get on with life with our little bundles of fun with the shadow of Heidi's KD rearing its head from time to time. Life is full, we are thankful... and we are very blessed.

This blog has been a journey. It has been a wonderful help to me... a place to untangle the thought-knots in my head... a place to find perspective.

This blog has been a record. A beautiful, treasured record of life with our two small girls. I am so grateful to have documented everything, and cannot wait to share it with the girls when they are older.

This blog has been a network... I have made new friends, been part of an incredible movement to make a change for the better, and had opportunities to do and experience things that never would have happened otherwise.

This blog has been a challenge... This year I have been seeking to improve in photography. I have been getting to grips with my camera, taking part in photography projects, and loving savouring the mundane, everyday, ordinary moments that normally get lost.

I love blogging. And I'm not ashamed to say so. And I love all your comments, and your words of support, and your challenges and questions too. At times, you have helped me to rethink what I think about things, and you have all helped me to become a better writer as I've sought to get across what I'm trying to say clearly!

So here's the thing. The BIBs are back... and it was such a privilege to be shortlisted last time; I would love the opportunity to be shortlisted again. Not because I think I have ANY chance at winning (there are some seriously amazing bloggers out there!) but because I'd love to have a go at being nominated for a category I actually think I belong in this time!

If you read the blog, and enjoy it... would you please consider nominating me for the Family Award...

These blogs that share the laughter and tears of family life, telling stories that elicit a-ha’s and understanding from all of us. They are honest and open about the realities of family life and we love them for it.


Just click the link and follow the instructions!


1 comment:

  1. Bless you my lovely, your blog is fabulous and definitely inspiring. I nominated you in the baby category for the MADS and so was sad not to see your name up there. You have a fab blog. Best of luck x


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