Monday 24 March 2014

Mini Musicians!

"When will Ava start piano lessons?"

This question caught me off guard the other day. Probably because I've never even considered it! Somehow Ava still seems far too little to be thinking about any extra curricular activities and I'm just enjoying these home years. I know all too soon these girlies will be flying the nest, so I'm savouring the fact that right now, in this moment in time, they are perfectly contented to be at home.

Plenty of time for music lessons and dances classes and sports clubs.

But it is fair to say that music has always been a part of our family life. From the girls earliest days, David has played to them on his guitar; little hands reaching out for the strings while Papa strums away! 

Our house is always full of singing. We have songs for everything; teeth brushing, cake baking, spring walks, tidying up, eating sandwiches... You name it! We have a good night song, and a get-up song, an Ava song and a Heidi song... Songs for everyone and everything. And now even Ava has begun to invent her own songs... Her favourite English creation at the moment goes like this...

"We're having a merry Christmas Day! 
We're having, having, having, having, 
a merry, merry Christmas Day!"

Very seasonally fitting, as you can see!

And then there's the piano. My lovely piano. These photos were snapped on Friday as I watched this magic moment unfold. Two little girls having a marvellous time making music together! It was not particularly tuneful, but they are learning all about rhythm and discovering that music is just SO much fun!

My mini musicians...

... We'll hold off a little while on lessons, I think!

mummy daddy me



  1. I love these photos, and that you have a song for everything too :) My OH is desperate to get Meg her first guitar but for now we are just enjoying her attempts on his!

  2. what sweet pictures I love them. You will treasure those when they are grown up

  3. Beautiful photos and what a fab song! #magicmoments

  4. So cute. Small hands on the piano keys! Music is amazing my son played his Nain's piano yesterday and I also saw something. He is in awe of the sound the piano is producing and I decided that he needs to explore it. Luckily his Nine will teach them so hurrah!

    This is a nice post. thanks for sharing these pictures.


  5. Bless them. That is SO cute :) They look like they are having loads of fun. #MagicMoments x

  6. What gorgeous photos and they lokk like they are having a great time together #MagicMoments

  7. awww honey this is beautiful, i think you certainly will have a lively and loud house soon enough!!

    thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments

    p.s i adore that last photo x

  8. Aw this is gorgeous, look at those little hands on the piano. And that last photo is just beautiful- it's definitely one for a frame! x

  9. I love that you have a song for everything! so cute



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