Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Sisters in December

I can't believe I forgot the Siblings project this month!

I suddenly started seeing my Facebook and Twitter feed filling up with gorgeous sibling photos and realised I have totally missed the boat this month.

It feels like December has brought one illness after another, with poor little H suffering the most. She seems to be catching every chest/ear infection doing the rounds, and scaring us all with high temperatures (which are very dangerous given her history)

But there is one little nurse who doesn't tire of looking after her baby sister.

I finished my breakfast this morning while the girls sat on the sofa and completed puzzle after puzzle...

Ava: "Where does the hedgehog go Heidi?"
Heidi: "right here..."
Ava: "good girl Heidi! Now put it in!"

The photo may be grainy and straight off my iPad.

But the moment?




  1. Ah, absolutely priceless! I love my listening to my daughter teaching and encouraging my son, and there's so much praise! Beautiful.

  2. Oh bless them! I hope that they get well soon - there's been so many yucky bugs doing the rounds at school. At least they are set to have it all out of the way for Christmas xx

  3. Aw that is lovely, such a sweet record of Ava looking after her little sister! Xx

  4. Such a lovely moment to capture. Hope Ava and Heidi are both better soon and that you all have a lovely Christmas together x

  5. Aww that's a lovely moment, and definitely what Siblings is all about. I know I use it to try to improve my photography but at the end of the day the best pictures are the ones we actually take! I'm sorry you've been hit by so many bugs, we're gearing up for another round at the moment and I don't think I can remember a winter like it for everyone getting sick.


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