Friday 1 July 2016

A Month of Change // Me and Mine in June 2016

If there could be one word to summarise June for us, it would be change. Change on the national stage and change in the private sphere. I have been so overwhelmed by all the responses to my previous blog post... truly. Thank you so much for every comment, like, share and personal email. I felt pretty vulnerable putting it out there, but I'm so glad I did. The knowledge that there are so many other like-minded people in this season of unrest and uncertainty has brought joy to my heart. I'm truly thankful to God for each one of you... and, most of all, that he is steadfast and certain when nothing else appears to be.

On the home front, we have moved! We are temporarily living with my parents while the house really does become a building site. Jonas' bedroom wall has been knocked down, and when you enter our house, you can now see all the way to the top of the roof from the ground floor. I'm currently zipping backwards and forwards a couple of times a day between caring for the children and touching base with the builders. I am so grateful to have family nearby... its made this whole process so much simpler.

The great news is that things are really starting to come together. The external shell is now completely finished, windows are fitted, and this week the staircase will take shape. It's a fascinating process and so unbelievably skilled. I can't wait to have our little attic room finished. I'll probably do a blog post at some point next week!

Our little people are adjusting to the change... some better than others! It's not easy being away from home and routine and structure, but we'll get there. A few weeks of needing to make sure we are totally consistent and have an extra dose of quality time and understanding I think...

And then there's change for Ava... today is her last day in Reception and on Monday she will head up to year one. It's crazy to think how fast this year has gone... but its been such a joy to see her flower and thrive... her love of learning, her thirst for knowledge. I don't ever want her to lose that...

So here we are, curled up late on the day #meandmine should have been linked up (oops!), on the swinging seat in my parents garden. Our home away from home, and coming to terms with all this change.

Welcome July... now please bring us some real *summer* weather!

The Me and Mine Project


  1. Having to move out while major work is done on the house seems so scary to me, I'm glad you are coping with it so well x

  2. You sound like you are coping well and so brave and strong with all that's on your plate lady and look at these beautiful smiles too. It was so lovely catching up with you this past weekend and getting to know you babes. #meandmineproject

  3. An attic room sounds fab! Having house works done can be so stressful with little's can't it. we're in the same boat too. not new building but the whole house needed gutting and its taking a while since we moved in last April. Sending peaceful times for you all! was so lovely to see you finally at Britmums! such a pleasant lady :) xx


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