Friday 30 September 2016

Back to Life // Me and Mine in September

It's been a funny old month; a month of adjusting and adapting... of getting used to only having one child around my ankles every day, of getting my head around three school runs. It's been a month of busyness and tiredness and routine. It's been a shock to the system for all of us I think... and though it has been a busy month, its been a good one. Not in the "so many great things have happened" way, but more in the gentle trundling along of adapting to a new routine.

Most notable has been Heidi starting school... and I'm genuinely pleased to report she loves that little nursery class of hers. She comes home beaming from ear to ear, and though she tells me little of what she's actually been up to, the muddy stains, paint marks and book bag full of drawings are testimony to the fantastic time she's having. We are so pleased that our littlest lady is adjusting so well. Phew!

I'm adjusting too. It sounds silly to say that. But I've had my little ladies around me non-stop for the last 5 years, so it has been strange to be on my own with the boy every morning... and a boy who still naps twice! I'm waiting for him to drop the morning one, but enjoying the hour or so of complete quiet it gives me every morning while it lasts! He is a delight, though very "Mama" focussed at the moment. The fact that it is the dominant of his five words means I'm pretty much hearing my name all day, every day!

In other big news, Dave turned 33 this week, so we had family gatherings galore, and a whole heap of takeaway food. I'm not complaining.

And then there is our home. The loft is now finished, and we now have a meter deep trench in our back garden, an uncovered Air Raid Shelter, and the remnants of an old outside toilet... it is amazing what you find if you dig a meter underground! The old historian in me has enjoyed many a chat with our builders about all the things they've dug up over the years!

And I suppose, when you put it all down like that, it has been a fairly landmark September - with new starts, birthdays and builders... but it has been a fairly gentle start too, and for that I am grateful!

Just whiling away busy little hours with this loopy bunch that, by God's grace, I get to call mine...

Now bring on October!


  1. Oh they are a gorgeous bunch! I've been home on a couple of the mornings when my girls are in school and it's just so strange to have only one child, although life's never quiet with Pip around! I admit I'm now terribly curious about the history turning up in your garden, especially the air raid shelter - did you take lots of pictures?

  2. September has been a month of adjusting and change for us too. Hoping to feel more adjusted next month! Lovely photo lovely. xx

  3. What a lovely happy family photo. Glad to hear that Heidi is enjoying her nursery school. It must be strange getting used only having one little one at home - September takes a bit of adjusting to, doesn't it? The things unearthed during the digging up in your garden sound fascinating :-) #meandmineproject

  4. It really does take some adjusting not having the children around doesn't it? I am going to seriously have to get another hobby when the littlest goes! x

  5. It's all change in September isn't it? Glad to hear your little one is loving nursery school life though. My youngest started pre-school as well and is really getting stuck in! x #meandmineproject

  6. Did the former owners bury the outside toilet in the back garden?? One of my sisters buried an old fireplace in her garden so I wonder will anyone ever unearth that! lol Great photo of you all. x

  7. Always great to hear all is well and kiddos are doing well. They are looking so grown up. Lovely family sofa snap I love it. Cozy and in their own element always makes for happy faces. #meandmineproject


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