Monday 10 October 2016

Bits and Bobs

Oh... life is a whirlwind lately. I feel like I fly between school runs (3 per day! Eeek!), building decisions (our garden currently resembles an archeological dig) and the general busyness of parenting three small children. Life is in a bit of a crazy phase right now, and for the first time in 5 years, I haven't blogged in over a week.

Somehow we are just about keeping our heads above water... in the sense that we are all fed, clothed and watered. We are making it to school on time (by the skin of our teeth!) and I'm just about managing to keep all our weekly activities and engagements happening.

But aside from that, things are pretty chaotic right now.

I can't remember the last time I dusted my lounge... the hallway is clutter filled and if I actually get to put any make-up on then its probably because I've forgotten something else. I'm losing my keys on a daily basis and all in all feeling like I'm playing a perpetual game of catch up.

But I was reminded this weekend, that even in the busyness, in the chaos, in the noise of daily life, of the importance of taking time, in the quiet of the morning, to hear that still, small voice. To spend fifteen minutes soaking in God's word, and talking with him.

Somehow, when I do that, the busyness, chaos and noise seems more manageable... Somehow I have a different perspective. Somehow the waves don't pull me under.

When life is crazy busy, every moment seems precious... And I often fly out if bed in the morning with 101 things in my head that I need to do.

But getting started on them is actually the last thing that will actually help me...

This week I'm determining to seek to do the thing that seems counterproductive... To take fifteen minutes of precious morning time and spending it reading, praying, seeking God's wisdom. And I know already, from experience (oh why do I never learn?!) that I will find that it is the best spent time of my day... Time invested, not wasted.

So if your feeling snowed under... Will you join me??


  1. Sounds like this household at present. David working away and trying to get Jon ready for Canada in 5 weeks. I too am having to carve out time with God. But the leaves are falling and Autumn colours are everywhere reminding me God is everywhere

  2. Danielle Jane Sewell13 October 2016 at 10:10

    Thank You for being honest with us your readers Claire, and for the beautifully important reminder; nothing in this world is more important than spending time with our heavenly father who created and cares for us :)
    I needed reminding of that as I face a busy week getting to grips with my dissertation properly!


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