Whenever the season changes I always have this internal argument with myself. You see, at the season's change, regardless of which season is coming round, it always seems to be my "favourite"... when summer's blues skies turn to crisp autumn afternoons, Autumn is my favourite... When crisp autumn afternoons turn into cosy winter nights snuggled up under a blanket with a movie and a hot chocolate, winter is my favourite.
But spring? There is something super special about spring, don't you think? A new awakening... that scent of buds breaking through, new life, doors swung open, hope, sunshine, joy...
Sheer bliss.
As I sit here, hyacinths bloom on the table in front of me, their scent cheering my spirit... the patio doors behind me are open, welcoming in the sight of blue skies and the sound of birdsong. Nature celebrates the springtime, and I think we can't help but join in the song...
But it is spring, and that means that each day there is beautiful sunshine and each day the hum of the lawnmower rings, is more than likely to be followed by a day of those spring rains, and the return of that chill in the air which sends us reeling backwards.
And on those days? That's when I'm grateful to have a little bit of spring in my home...
Bringing a little piece of springtime into the home can be so simple... and yet so many of the glossy magazines recommend paint work, and expensive furniture changes. Bringing spring home can cost you next to nothing... so I thought I'd share a few things we do around our home to brighten up the day when those spring showers hit... And to do it on a budget! Prettiness doesn't have to cost!
Blooms everywhere...
Flowers can be a cheap and cheerful way to brighten up your home instantly. This simple bunch of daffodils cost me £1 and adds an instant pop of colour to the room. The local florist have so many lovely options, some of which will be out of price range, but I'm always amazed by how many simple, beautiful little bunches can be bought for £2-3. As soon as I get home, I grab every glass bottle and jam jar I have, and spread that one bunch throughout the house. It took me years to realise I didn't need to use up all my flowers in one big bunch on the dining table... lots of cute little bunches, or even single flowers, were much more appealing!
Springtime scents...
Whether scented candles or essential oils are your thing, there are loads of lovely springtime scents, even if you aren't so into the floral thing. I love spending a morning perusing our local garden centres selections and pick up a few tea lights on offer, or a couple of votives. You don't have to buy a £20 Yankee Candle to fill your home with a beautiful scent...
Some of my favourites...
Price's Open Window Candle
This is my FAVE spring candle... its really low profile, not at all flowery or floral, but totally fresh and clean and spring like! I love it, and it comes in a really cute little pot/cup thing!
Essential Oil blends for your diffuser...
Fresh and Clean
- 2 drops lavender
- 2 drops lemon
- 2 drops rosemary
Season Changer
- 2 drops lavender
- 2 drops lemon
- 2 drops peppermint
And I haven't tried this one, but it sounds amazing...
Sunny Day
- 2 drops bergamot
- 4 drops orange
- 2 drops ylang ylang
Oils may seem expensive, but one little bottle will honestly last you years!
A Spot of Spring Cleaning...

There is something about the spring that actually puts me in the mood for cleaning... I made the switch earlier this year to natural products, and I've never looked back. Water and a few drops of lemon oil, with a bit of white vinegar thrown in and the house will be glistening, smell amazing AND non-toxic. Somehow having a good deep clean makes my home feel ready for a fresh start too... And isn't that what Spring is all about?!
Open those windows...
It sounds simple, and it really is! Let the fresh air in! Swing wide those patio doors! There is this incredible scent in the air at springtime, that just rejuvenates the soul!
A Little Seasonal Decor...
Decorating to the season has become part and parcel of our home life. I think it was my years in Austria that did it... Celebrating each season, not just Christmas, with decorations that highlight the joys of each new time of year. I've gathered bits and bobs over the years, scoured charity shops, and picked up bargains along the way. I have a box for each season and use the same stuff every year, just rearranged in different ways... And my mantel is always at the heart of that decoration. Having a seasonal hub, somewhere central in the home, makes for a seasonal centrepiece, and I love the fact that there's a constant change of feel in our family space as a result. I've always purposefully gone for neutral walls so that I have the freedom to chop and change the details as my heart so desires. The kids are always so excited when we get to whip a new box out and pack the old stuff away, and they love finding their own treasures in nature to add to our display!
I recently picked up these bathe copies of the Observer Books from our local antique shop... They are getting daily use and we're learning lots about our local birds and wildflowers!
And yes, I know that's an 'autumnal' scented candle... But it's my fave! And it pretty much gets a look in all year round!
Springtime Tablescape...
And of course, on special occasions, it's always fun to go to town on your table settings. A pack of sprung napkins, your best crockery and a bunch of seasonal flowers and voila! A feast is served!
A Little Seasonal Decor...
Decorating to the season has become part and parcel of our home life. I think it was my years in Austria that did it... Celebrating each season, not just Christmas, with decorations that highlight the joys of each new time of year. I've gathered bits and bobs over the years, scoured charity shops, and picked up bargains along the way. I have a box for each season and use the same stuff every year, just rearranged in different ways... And my mantel is always at the heart of that decoration. Having a seasonal hub, somewhere central in the home, makes for a seasonal centrepiece, and I love the fact that there's a constant change of feel in our family space as a result. I've always purposefully gone for neutral walls so that I have the freedom to chop and change the details as my heart so desires. The kids are always so excited when we get to whip a new box out and pack the old stuff away, and they love finding their own treasures in nature to add to our display!
I recently picked up these bathe copies of the Observer Books from our local antique shop... They are getting daily use and we're learning lots about our local birds and wildflowers!
And yes, I know that's an 'autumnal' scented candle... But it's my fave! And it pretty much gets a look in all year round!
Springtime Tablescape...
And of course, on special occasions, it's always fun to go to town on your table settings. A pack of sprung napkins, your best crockery and a bunch of seasonal flowers and voila! A feast is served!
So here's my question! What do you do to bring the season into your homes? Do you have any little traditions? Do you feel the need to spend a fortune? Or is decorating to the season something you've never even considered before?? Leave your thoughts in the comments!
I nodded along to ALL of this and could've written it myself, I totally get this. I have grown into loving each season for their own uniqueness. I just love how it shifts your mood, and how you can play around with them all. I want to buy some nice seasonal table ware , and having a seasonal box is a great idea, I have stuff but not organised as such. I'm planning (gathering stock) to make the change to natural products too and I can't wait! Also putting diffusers on my wish list too, LOVE essential oils..Loved reading this, and yes, it's like you're the same brain wave as I when reading things like this! Lovely! X x