Monday 31 July 2017

Me and Mine in July // Closure

Well here we are; another month has been and gone and those roasting hot July days have morphed into the typical English weather of the summer holidays - grey and drizzle!

It's been an important and emotional month for all of us. David finished at his job of nine years at the end of the school year to move on to a new school in September. It was sad for all of us to say goodbye to his team, some of whom have been there the whole duration of his time there, but he's excited about new challenges come September! They waved him off with a bang, and in true David style, there was no speech, but a song for the staff which led to both laughter and tears. He's had a great time there.

For me, closure came in the form of my debrief at the hospital. I met, on Friday, with the Consultant who made the decision to transfer me half way through my second attempt at a c-section and it was so helpful. Lots of questions were answered about what happened on the day, and I'm clearer as to how to get my head around it. It was helpful to head back to the hospital, and she took me up to the antenatal ward, back to my room where I stayed for those weeks in the run up to his birth, to say thank you to the team there. It felt like I could finally lay it to rest.

For the girls, closure came in the end of another school year. Ava said goodbye to year one, and Heidi waved goodbye to her lovely Nursery as she gears up for Reception in September. We were sad to say goodbye to both sets of teachers: they have been incredibly supportive and loving to our girls in a year which was pretty crazy at times (absent Mama in hospital for weeks, new baby etc!).

For the boys, Jonas said goodbye to babyhood and is now exercising his toddlerhood in all its glory. We're working on patience and obedience in true two-year-old fashion!

Elias was discharged by hospital in his neo-natal review this month and officially waved goodbye to the new-natal team there. They are happy he is going from strength to strength and is meeting all his milestones at his corrected age.

So a month of closure; now before us lies a month of rest and recovery in our beautiful Norway before a whole heap of new beginnings in September. We are SO ready for the break!

So here we are: me and mine in July!


  1. Oh what wonderful news about Elias and I'm glad you got signed off and a bit of closure too - it sounds like Norway is perfectly timed and I can't wait to see your beautiful photos!

  2. Lots of closure for you all this month. I'm glad that the debrief at the hospital has helped you and hope you all have a wonderful time in Norway this month. #meandmineproject

  3. Ahhh these are beautiful. Hope you have a great time in Norway it's a place I have always wanted to visit. You will have to share it all with us when you ge back. Great news about Elias. Hope summer is treating you all well. #meandmineproject


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