Sunday 16 June 2019

Dear Jonas... you're 4!!!

Oh our Jonas!

What a joy and a delight you are! You are everybody's friend... easygoing and loyal with a definite cheeky streak... and now you are 4! Officially out of the toddler years and gearing up to start school. It seems like only yesterday I sat in that hospital bed as we introduced your sisters to their baby brother. You were the loveliest, most easygoing, chilled out baby, and now you are a truly lovely little boy to have around as well!

I love how you take life in your stride. You have an inner confidence which means there's very little that phases you, and you make friends very easily. You won't be pressured to doing anything just because somebody else is, but you'll wait til you're ready and then throw yourself into it completely with full enthusiasm! Whether its jigsaw puzzles or crabby fingers for writing, you were extremely stubborn that you were NOT going to take part until you were good and ready. And yet, suddenly overnight it seems, you decided you COULD do those things and off you went!

Your current interests are pirates (obviously - pics to follow!!), Paw Patrol, cards of any description, superheroes and lego. You are ridiculously excited about being able to move up to the same Sunday School class at church today as Heidi... 4 has been a long time coming!

I love that you are this wonderful combination of stubborn and easygoing, of loving company and being comfortable in your own space. You are also one of our family comedians and frequently have us all laughing,especially when you double act with your partner in crime - Heidi! The two of you are make-believe friends at the moment, and usually have some little game going on. Ava is your Mama figure, roles you both fell into when you were born, and one which Ava has absolutely aced... and Li-Li? Well. as he often tells you - "Yo-Yo bes' fend!" (best friend!) and the two of you like nothing better than getting up to mischief together.

You have a fabulous singing voice, and a wonderful memory for words, meaning you can frequently be found in church belting out songs at the top of your lungs! Current favourites are "10,000 reasons" and "My Lighthouse", but you regularly surprise me by belting out lesser known songs without any problem whatsoever.

We're praying that the words you sing so boldly and beautifully on a Sunday will be words that speak truth and life into your little life as you grow. That you would keep singing whatever may pass and whatever lies before you... that you would always look to Jesus as your lighthouse - the one who shines in the darkness and calls us to trust him. Our prayer is that your little roots will dig down deep in your identity in Christ so that you will always remain strong and sturdy in him.

We love you so very much, Jonas... you truly bring so much joy to our lives and we're so grateful to God for every moment we have with you

God bless you our boy!

Mama x und Papa x

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you a wonderful and blessed birthday with your friends and family and the love of god around you always, much love to you Jonas xx


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