Wednesday 16 November 2011

House of horrors

This past weekend has been a weekend of sickness... just about every possible ailment you can imagine has hit this house - we've had vomiting, colds, coughs, headaches and sore throats - joy of joys! Sickness has always been something you just have to deal with, but let me tell you, bringing a 3 month old baby into the equation adds a new level of the fear-factor...

Friday night had us ready to rush the little one into hospital for fear of dehydration until, seconds before we left, she produced the longed for wet nappy. After that, Ava refused point blank to feed, which resorted in teaspoons of water being thrust at her. There is nothing so scary for a mother, as seeing your little one suffering and not being able to do ANYTHING about it.

Sunday, I came down with the dreaded bug. Dave was brilliant and ran the show with Ava, only bringing her in for a feed before allowing me to return to bed to sleep off the queasiness...

Then, guess what? The bug hit David! Joy of joys! A household of invalids! Thankfully I was feeling better by that point, although the day involved a visit from the Health Visitor AND a trip to the Doctors!!! Turned out, Ava now had a sore throat, which explained the refusal to feed!

Lessons to be learnt from the House of Horrors weekend? Yet again, that I am NOT in control... but that how much control means to me. I can happily plod along if I feel in control, the minute I'm not I hit panic mode. Its been a great weekend for re-realising my reliance upon God - he has been so faithful in answering prayer (one night, she was point blank refusing for half an hour and I prayed that she'd just take 5 minutes of milk - within seconds she took 15!)

I need to learn to rely on my heavenly father as much when things are good as when they're tough...

Oh, and we're all well again thanks!!!


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