Monday, 7 May 2012

Resolution 17: No regrets...

17. Resolved, that I will live so as I shall wish I had done, when I come to die.

We've all seen those movies, haven't we? You know, the ones where people are on their death beds saying "I should have...", "I wish I'd...", "If only I'd..." or "I'm so sorry I never..." I think that's a very real fear for people, that they'll look back on their lives with regrets...

We all have that desire to make our lives count, to feel like we've achieved something for the world, that we've had influence, that we won't be forgotten. We try so hard to make our little stamp on the world, desperate for some kind of recognition to bring meaning to it... our children? Our jobs? Our contribution to society?

How wonderful to know I can live my life without that pressure. To know that my life has meaning purely because Jesus gives it meaning; that I don't have to be this wonderwoman wife, mother, career-woman and society-changer. I am free to be me because of Jesus... 

If I follow him all my days, I can live with absolute certainty that I'll have no regrets...

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