Wednesday 20 February 2013

On the battlefield...

I'm the Queen of making excuses. Seriously. I have NO problem being productive when it comes to things I'm excited about doing... I could spend hours churning out craft projects, reading blogs, watching 'Call the Midwife', reading a good book...

As a Mum of a one year old/soon to be mother of newborn as well, it's all to easy to whip out the classic "I'm too busy" or "I'm too tired" when it comes to spending time with God. But I know that's not true. I know that, because I have plenty of time to do the things I prioritise doing. And that's something I've been really challenged on the last couple of days.

This morning, my hub woke me up and handed me my bible and journal, he then took Ava, who had just woken, downstairs and gave me an hour to spend some much needed time with God. Away from distractions, away from the chores, away from my wonderful, but very distracting, daughter. I had time to wallow in the word, to journal, to read, to stop, to pray.

Such precious time.

As I was praying, I felt The Lord was challenging me on my attitude to the Christian life... Following Jesus can be a bit like a battlefield. A battle against my natural tendency to selfishness and self-absorption, a battlefield against the temptation to forget Jesus, a battlefield against my judgementalism and desire for my own glory. In the midst of all the recent goings on, with pregnancy questions and finishing work, I've got a bit lazy in my fight... Here's what I feel The Lord was challenging me on...

I was reminded, once again, that the battle is not one I can fight in my own strength, that I NEED to be daily replenished and get my 'armour' on (Ephesians 6), that I can't rely on those around me to carry me along, fight for me or protect me - they're fighting too! No, the only one who can do that is the very one who I've been ignoring, cutting out and putting at the bottom of my list of priorities. Jesus. The one who went so far as to die for me!

So I've been challenged to stop trying to fight this battle in my own strength, but to head back to base camp daily, get equipped, get my armour on, and spend some time with the Captain before I get up and go to battle. Only he can give me what I need to "fight the good fight"

Have you been back to base camp today?

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