Monday, 22 April 2013

Walking amongst giants...

I was happily browsing Twitter on tonight, when I saw that Suzanne, over at 3 children and it, had excitedly announced she had made it on to the shortlist for the BIB awards (Brilliance in Blogging) I moseyed over there, knowing I had been nominated, but with absolutely no illusions that I would have made it to the final 16... Although I've been blogging for nearly 5 years now, the whole "blogging community" thing is fairly new to me, so I'm still relatively unknown. So I thought.

I nearly fell off my chair.

There in the line-up for the "Inspire" category was "Clarina's Contemplations"


I literally did a double take - make that a triple take - before I said in a somewhat astounded voice; "Dave, I've made it to the shortlist..."

Looking at the names alongside mine, I feel TOTALLY humbled. These guys are incredibly inspiring. Many of them have gone through incredibly tough times and many are still living day by day with incredibly difficult situations. They are the epitome of inspiring, and I feel honoured, and slightly out of place, being among them.

Thank you to those of you who somehow feel this little blog of mine is worthy of being labelled "inspiring". I'm so thrilled to think that my daily ramblings may encourage someone else to do something new, risky or just to live life to the full. As I say in my "About" page;

This blog is not meant to boast about my life and my achievements; as Paul says, in Galatians 6: 14 "May I never boast except in the Lord Jesus Christ."

So thank you SO much to all of you who nominated me... I am utterly humbled and grateful... and slightly gobsmacked. If you do like the blog and would like to vote for me in the "Inspire" category, you can do so below. I won't blame you if you don't - I've voted for someone else as I just couldn't justify voting myself in the light of the others in the shortlist!


  1. Amazing huni-congrats xx

  2. Well done Claire - well deserved! x

  3. Congratulations! And looking forward to meeting you in London


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