Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Under the Northern Lights...

As a child I devoured books... they fed my imagination, inspired my play, stole my dreams. I could  immerse myself in a book and travel the world, zoom through time, meet incredible characters all from the comfort of my top bunk bed.

And I love to see my little girls doing likewise.

So much of their play is inspired by literature. Even at the tender ages of four and two, I see that they are entranced by other cultures and places they have discovered through reading. Essentially, their game is generally a variation on the classic "Mamas and Papas"... there will be cooking, caring for babies and keeping a home.

But oh, the places they have been!

This past year, I have seen these girls keep a chalet in the alps, milking their goats and hiking mountains... they have set up a cabin on the prairies of Mid-West America - riding wagons and churning butter... they have prepared balls in fairytale castles and baked up a storm in their own little bakery.

Can you guess what we've been reading?!

But this week... this week they were transported to a time and a place even I had never "visited" in all my bookworm years before... courtesy of this stunning little book...

This week every free minute, these girls have been decked out in wool, cooking with wooden utensils in their blanketed tent, sledge-racing reindeer and swaddling babies in furs. All under the northern lights. The perfect play setting in this cold, dark season!

My own little Sami children from Lapland.

"Reading makes immigrants of us all. It takes us away from home, but more important, it finds homes for us everywhere"
- Jean Rhys -


  1. These girls now how to act! Soon Jonas will join in with their acting!😀

  2. These girls are definitely their mother's daughters ;). Love how they are using their hand knitted bags as hats xx

  3. Aww bless, they are so cute. Loving their hats. Gorgeous x

  4. Oh, this is lovely! It is so special to see them transported like this. My little girl makes up games like this all the time, often based on something she has read x


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