Thursday, 28 January 2016

A Hint of Spring? // Savouring The Season

This week has been a rollercoaster of extremes... we've woken up to icy-cold frost, and walked to school in mild sunshine with a scent of spring in the air; we've been pelted by rain showers one day, and felt the sun's heat the next. And there's been that crazy wind that reared its head this week too. Poor nature doesn't know where its at... daffodils are popping up everywhere, only to be blasted with an icy frost overnight.

We're all a little confused I think...

And so is the Instagram feed! A dazzling array of icy tones and springtime colour... all combined to show the puzzle that is the end of January!

Bottom L to R: @becomingasahm // @clarina1985 // @lovelylollyb

It seems we've all been feeling the need for a pop of colour into these wintry tones... I loved this post by Amanda about her little splash of colour this week. Everyone seems to be feeling the need for a little hint of spring...

Alas, I think we're some way off it yet... a few more weeks of soaking up this wintery weather is needed first, but boy.... won't we be ready for springtime when it finally comes!

In the meantime, link up more seasonal fun below!!

Here are the rules!

1. Link up your post
2. Pop across to at least two other posts, read and leave a comment

It's that simple!

Savouring the Season is all about celebrating the season we find ourselves in...whether it be recipes, crafts, outdoor adventures or reflections on life, link up and share some comment love! And don't forget to grab a badge! (from the sidebar on the right >>>)

Please make sure you only link up below if you are able to comment on a couple of other entries


  1. Thank you for adding my Instagram image. I hope to do the link up one day. We have a bit of a poorly house at the moment so not much savouring more surviving the season. ;) Clare xx


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