Wednesday 12 April 2017

Half way // Two weeks down, Two to go...


Today we hit the half way marker... Fourteen days down, fourteen to go until our new D-day. It's been a good few days... The sunshine always helps, and a week of respite with no further scares is good for the soul. We're praying it continues...

Today I'm thankful for...
* Sunburn: it means I've been out and about in the glorious sunshine
* Picnics with my little family: French stick, cheese and olives. Simple but perfect.
* Midwives who sit and chat: I've had a really particularly lovely one on the last couple of nights
* Active baby: Even though I've been hooked up to the CTG for OVER AN HOUR the last two times because baby has been such a monkey, it is very much alive and kicking (literally!)
* Friends who go the distance: My bestie from Brighton trekked it up last night. She's the best.
* Husbands who are awesome: he is literally a pro at this single parenting thing. I'm not sure they need me anymore! 
* The ReadScripture app... Absolutely awesome!
* Church Family: I have been inundated with visitors. You guys rock.
* Jesus - who gives me hope, perspective and joy in the trials. He's walked this road before me!

Continued prayers appreciated.

God is good.


1 comment:

  1. Great to read that you have plenty to be thankful for. Continuing to pray for you over the next couple of weeks. Xx


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