Thursday, 25 February 2016

Spring is Springing // Savouring the Season

It's coming at last, isn't it?! Spring is springing! Our walks home from school have been punctured with conversations about the signs and scents of this most lovely season - the birds are chattering away, little buds are appearing on the trees, the daffodils have pushed through and I'm breathing deep that first scent of spring; fresh air, dew and sunshine and the faint scent of new blooms...

Its bliss, isn't it?!

And as you can see... it seems the Instagram community are feeling rather similar...!

Please do click on the links to follow these gorgeous accounts! They are full of springtime inspiration and loveliness! And don't forget to keep hash tagging all your wonderful seasonal shots #savouringtheseason

The last Savouring the Season post was all hearts and flowers and valentines wishes, but the post that really caught my eye was these yummy looking Valentines butter biscuits that I'm definitely bookmarking for next year... go and check out Louise's blog "A Strong Coffee" for the full recipe!

After much consideration, I have decided to close down the Linky aspect of #savouringtheseason ... It just never quite recovered after Christmas, and I think, after two years, it's pretty much run its course. I am loving all the #savouringtheseason hashtags over on Instagram though, and have decided that's where I want to put my energy and effort for this particular community.... So please do keep tagging your seasonal posts! I will still be featuring them every Thursday!

Thanks so much to all of you who have linked up over the last two years, and supported this little Linky. Part of me feels sad to close it down, but I'm also excited to see where the Instagram hashtag will take us!

See you next Thursday!


  1. Thanks for the mention! I must start remembering to tag on Instagram. Some beautiful flower shots there x

  2. Alltid litt sjalu på den tidlige våren der borte, mens det fortsatt e full vinter her..🙃☃

  3. Yes, yes, yes! Spring is on its way. It always seems such a long time coming doesn't it? Sneaking in a little ski trip first though ;)


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